chapter four

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((Chapter Four))))))))))))))))))))))

I stayed by his side the whole night, luckily nothing came to bother us. And by morning I was sure he was going to be ok. After I left to get water and fruit, I came back to find him waking up. He groaned and looked down at his stomach, almost disappointed! I smiled as he saw me. He managed a small smile.
" I got food?" I shrugged, tossing him some. He caught it and greedily ate it. Then I gave him some water, he gulped that down to.
" How did you get me back?" He asked suddenly. I shrugged.
" I carried you, you weren't going to wake up any time soon and you needed pressure on your cuts. So I carried you," I shrugged. He almost spat out his water,
" you carried me? You risked your life, for me?" He said, sounding surprised. I shrugged
" Also, we spent some time with a leopard, then it got tired of our company and wanted us gone, so we left," I shrugged again. He just nodded.

Days went by and soon both wounds were almost closed. We hadn't done any more fun stuff since the lion incident. So nothing really happened, I would go out and hunt, and Jacob would stay at the boat and rest. It was late and we had just got into bed. I lay awake for a long time, looking at the compass that my dad had given to me. I sighed and closed it, letting myself slowly drift off to sleep.

I was woken by loud moaning. I had flashbacks to the horrible morning when my family died, the loud moaning, the screaming, and worst of all, the silence. I felt my face and found it stained with tears. I whipped my head around to find a figure of a boy, curled up in a ball. Then I remembered, it was Jacob, the boy I saved. He moaned again, I couldn't stand the moaning, moaning always brought death.

I leapt out of bed and shook him hard,
" Jacob, Jacob, Jacob wake up," I yelled, shaking him. He only moaned. I panicked; I had no clue what to do. I grabbed our only water and poured it over his face. His eyes shot open, fearful, saw me, and closed again. He carried on moaning.
" Shit. Shit shit shit. What do I do?" I mumbled to myself. I needed to get him to the hospital, but how?
" Jacob, Jacob listen to me," I said firmly, shaking him.
" Jacob I need to get you to the hospital, you have to help me ok," I said. He moaned and I grabbed his arm and slung out around my shoulders and pulled him out of the bed. He practically fell on top of me, with great effort I got him to the side of the ship, where he vomited, I gently put him down and began to climb down the ladder.
" Jacob you need to climb down the ladder yourself, Jacob you have to listen," I pleaded. Finally he slowly began to climb down the ladder, then he lost his grip and he fell into me, causing me to fall. We smash into the sand, all the wind knocked out of me. I lie there, gasping for breath, while Jacob moaned and gagged.

I eventually got him up again and we painfully slowly began to make our way towards the hospital. The hospital was about 10km away; it was going to take about three days to get there. I had my ever faithful pack that only had my weapons some supplies and an empty water jug. We had to stop for water. I headed for the water hole and lay Jacob down, hoping that nothing would find him there, so vulnerable. I hurried down to the water and filled up the jug and waited for some small animals. Nothing came; I didn't have time to wait, so I picked berries and some fruit and headed back to Jacob. I gave him some water and food, he ate it very slowly and we set off again. There was no talking, just Jacob moaning and vomiting.

It was late afternoon and I was looking for a tree to hide in for the night. I finally found one, with a sloped branch to climb up. I helped Jacob up and tied him to the tree, otherwise we would fall out of the tree and probably get eaten. I couldn't sleep, I watched the stars shine and the moon shine. The Eire calls of hyenas laughing and lions roaring kept me awake. We were never safe, we never would be.

Morning came and I managed to get some more food into Jacob before getting him down the tree. I felt a weird feeling, then remembered that I was 14, I felt stronger, more independent.

We walked for a long time Jacob wasn't as bad, he'd stopped vomiting and was now wheezing. But he wasn't moaning anymore.
" What's your name?" He chocked out. I looked at him, his beautiful brown eyes now red and puffy. I just realises, he had gone for about a week without even knowing my name.
" Rose, it doesn't really matter anyway," I said, looking away and shaking my head. He breathed heavily and coughed before saying,
" it does, it does to me," this made me smile, someone cared. One person, one person cared about me, I cared about that person to.
" so you're 14 eh?" He smiled, talking seemed to make him feel better,
" yeah, doesn't feel different," I smiled, wiping my tired eyes,
" you didn't sleep either?" He said softly. I shook my head.
" Neither, I was thinking too hard. I mean, you could've just left me there to die. You could've found me sick and left me. But you didn't, why would you go through so much effort, just to have it squashed against you. Why did you help me?" He asked between coughs. I didn't know the answer myself.
" I guess, I don't know. I've never had something to care for, since my family died, and I heard you moaning, you sounded like my parents before they died. And. And I couldn't have something else torn away from me," I sighed, tear threatening to flow. I pushed them back and kept walking. Jacob seemed satisfied with my answer,
" do you ever think about what you could've done?" He asked after a while. For a moment I had no idea what he was talking about. He laced his finger in mine and I sighed.
" All the time, it haunts me. I just wish I could've done something to save them," I sighed, refusing to cry, I needed to stay strong for Jacob.

It was so getting dark and we found another tree and tied ourselves to it, after eating some more fruit.

" Rose, Rose, come on, get up," I heard. I slowly woke and saw Jacob above me, shaking me.
" What?" I yawned. He just smiled and handing me his rope, I took it and untied myself, stuffing them into my bag before hopping off the tree after him. His leg was really sore because of all the walking, so I had to help him again today. We were almost there anyway.
" I'm bored," Jacob announced after about 10 mins.
" Me to, let's play a game," I smiled. He nodded,
" ok so, hmm. I spy with my little eye, beginning with... Uu... T" I smiled. Jacob frowned and looked around.
" Termites?" He suggested. I shook my head
" uuummmmm, trees?" He said. I laughed and nodded my head.
" ok, I spy with my little eye, something beginning with b," he announced.
" bird?"
" nope"
" baboon?"
" nope"
I had been guessing for ages now.
" Oh come on, just tell me," I laughed.
" Buffalo," he said. I froze.
" Buffalo? Are you sure," I asked.
" Yeah, I saw a whole heap of them back there," he admitted,
" we have to hurry," was all I said before holding him and quickening our pace. He kept on asking questions, I just ignored him, how could I tell him that there could be a pride of lions nearby?

(((((((((((((((((End Chapter Four))))))))))))))))))))

As you may have noticed I get really bad at captions. -_-
So I hope you liked it. Please pretty please comment and/or vote and tell others if you like it! I like other people knowing about my work!



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