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30. Forget It

After everyone left, Carver woke up

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After everyone left, Carver woke up. Derek was right by her side, holding her hand, waiting to explain everything that happened while he was gone. And he was instantly forgiven, because being tortured wasn't his fault.

Derek said it was Peter's fault.

She spent the night there after showering and eating some food. When she woke, the loft was perfectly cleaned and Derek was asleep next to her. But he needed the sleep, so she didn't wake him.

Carver walked into school a few hours later. Scott and Stiles ran up to her, grabbing her arms and bringing her into the empty chemistry room. Stiles had his keys in his hands as he separated from the two.

He must be freaked out about that missing key, still.

Scott pointed to the door, "Can you close it?" Carver nodded and pushed the door out. She went to step towards Scott again but he stopped her, "No, close it, not open it more."

Carver grabbed the handle and pushed the door open as far as she could. Scott held his hand out and moved it towards his body to show her what he meant. Carver cocked her head to the side and she slowly began to close the door, the correct way.

"Okay," Stiles said. "So the girl, she starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it, right?" He asked them. He dropped his backpack onto the ground and started walking towards the chalk board. "So, that makes me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in..." He stopped talking when he saw the clear board.

Just before it had the numbers and the name "Kira" spelled out on it. Stiles froze, "It's gone." He shook his head and headed back to the closet, "It doesn't matter though. I still got the key."

He held up his keys and grabbed a random one. He tried to unlock the chemical closet but it wouldn't budge. Stiles tried another key. It wouldn't work either. "What the hell?" He whispered to himself as he flipped through the keys on the ring.

"I had it here," Stiles told them. "I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning."

Scott looked at him in confusion, "The key you were talking about last night?"

Stiles looked down, "I showed it to you, right?"

"No,"Scott said. "You just told me about it, I never actually saw it."

Stiles looked over at Carver, "You were in the car with me when I was looking at my keys. When we went to help Kira. You saw it didn't you?"

Carver shook her head, "I don't remember being in the Jeep with you."

Stiles panted then he let out a shakey sigh. He walked back towards the board, bringing his two friends with him. "I was here a few hours ago. And the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my hand writing... and I had the key to the chemistry closet."

Carver frowned, "So you? You unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide from the cops? Then you wrote the message to kill Kira?"

Stiles's body shook, "I know. I know how it sounds..." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He began to unfold it. "Look at this. This is the news report about Barrow when they caught him, okay? About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See what he did? He put nuts and bolts and screws, and he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped like a birthday present. What does that sound like to you?"

"Your prank to Coach," Carver said slowly.

"That was my idea," Stiles nodded. "Remember? That's no coincidence, it can't be."

Scott sighed, "I don't want to tell you that your wrong, but I don't think you're trying to kill people either."

Stiles looked from his friends to the clean board. He crumpled the paper in his hands, "It was here. It was all here."

Scott looked at him closely, "Dude, are feeling okay? You're looking pretty tired."

Scott was right. He's gotten much paler and his eyes were heavy. His eyes were red. Stiles nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I haven't been sleeping really..."

"Go home," Carver told him. "Take a sick day."

— — —

"I don't understand, why was I picked up? Isaac help," Carver sighed, looking at the two hunters in the front seat and the werewolf in the back.

"Isaac doesn't want to do it alone, and I don't like the idea of my daughter selling an antique gun to a recluse's hostile group," Chris explained.

Carver leaned against the passenger seat, "Why is Isaac doing it? Why am I doing it?"

"You guys are werewolves," Allison told her. "If anything bed happens, you can protect yourselves."

"If anything bad happens?" Carver muttered. "What? Is he some killer?"

"No," Allison shook her head. "Right, Dad?"

"He won't even be there, he's not going to the buy in person," Chris told her.

Carver shrugged, "Well, you just said that he's a recluse, so are you really surprised?"

Chris sighed, "I was trying to remain optimistic that we wouldn't have to use Plan B."

"Plan B?" Carver asked worriedly. "What is it?"

Chris smiled, "How tall are you guys?" He asked. The trunk began to open behind them.

Carver froze, "What?" She turned around in her seat to look in the trunk. In the trunk was a black brief case, which Carver assumed was either money or the gun. Then her eyes saw a suit and a black dress.

Carver looked over at them, "We're making the deal?"

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