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My family sits on one couch while the others spread out across the room.

"You guys all know what a soul mate is, correct?" I ask them. They all nod.

"Good." Rebekah says quietly.

"My family and I are the Originals. The original hybrids, the original witch, the original vampires, the original Hunter." I start.

"My brother, Klaus daggered me 2 centuries ago because he thought I lead Michael, the Hunter, and our sibling's father, to him. Edward Cullen did that. I was undaggered two days before school began. I wanted a new start with my sister, so we came to the place I call home. I found my soulmate first. He is a Shapeshifter. His name, Paul LaHote. He asked me my name and rejected me. Now many may ask, why didn't you accept the rejection?" I say.

"My kind is known to only have one soulmate. No more. If you accept the rejection, there is a chance that the vampire will turn off their emotions and become the most dangerous thing in the world. Everybody knows the Ripper of Monteray?" I ask. They all nod.

"That was Rebekah and her ex boyfriend, Stefan." I tell them. They all look at Rebekah.

"I was daggered for a century. My brother undaggered me at the same time he undaggered Alexa. I found my mate in a Cold One. His name, Edward Cullen. The human lover. He rejected me for the human and the pain that comes with rejection, it never fades, does it, Finn? " Rebekah asks our older brother.

"It doesn't go away, that's why every time I see my mate, I try to end it. The pain that comes with rejection never fades. You will be in pain no matter what. Always pain. You just have to find a way to make the pain fade away." He shrugs.

"So. Please understand that when our emotions go off that no human will stay alive that crosses us." I tell them.

They nod.

"We want a treaty with the Shapeshifters." I tell Billy and Sam. They nod.

"Carlisle, I love you, but I don't trust your family with him in it. He has proven that with the human girl. I am sorry." I tell him. He nods and hugs me.

Then I feel something I never expected to feel, a dagger in my chest. I gasp and then around. My mate did it. Billy stares at him as he shoves it deeper into my chest. I gasp as I feel myself start to dessicate.

"No." I whisper as I fall to the ground.

Klaus stares, not believing hat he is seeing.

"Don't kill him Klaus." I whisper as my eyes close.

The Lost Sister- Alexa MichaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now