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2½ weeks later

Ring ring.

I hear my phone go off and the only person that ever calls me is Naomi.

I hurry to my phone, hoping that nothing bad has happened to them.

I pick it up, sliding the bar across.

"Hello? Naomi, what happened?" I ask in a rush.

"Alexa, I think I'm pregnant." I hear Noami whisper through the phone. I hear running water and in that moment, I know that's Klaus doesn't know yet.

"Naomi, stay where you are, I will be there tomorrow morning." I tell her, hurrying through the house.

"Where are you going?" I hear Elijah ask.

"To go save our sister." I tell him, rushing to the jet and getting in, watching liftoff.

Twenty three hours later, I am landing at the island runway. when the stairs hit the ground, I am running too where I scent Naomi.

I make it there and run to he bathroom. I lightly tap on the door and she let's me in.

"Where is Klaus?" I ask her.

"He went hunting yesterday." She says.

"Let me see your stomach." I say. She lifts up her shirt and I see the baby bump.

I place my hand on it and I hear two heartbeats. I gasp.

"I'm going to be having either two nieces or two nephews." I smile at her. She stares at me before looking down at her baby bump.

I pull out my phone, dialling Elijah.

"Elijah, I need you to get Klaus home. Tell him to leave without Naomi. I've got her." I tell him.

"I've got it, but you owe me those chocolate things you make." He warns me. I sigh and agree. Then I hang up.

"Stay here while I pack your things." I tell her. She nods and I hear Klaus come in. I force my heart to stop so he doesn't know that I am here. I hear him pack, then he comes to the door.

"I'm going to save the family. I'll come back for you when our enemies are dead. Goodbye, my love." Klaus says so she can hear it.

Then I hear him leave. I leave the room and quickly pack her things, making sure I have everything, including her bathroom necessities.

I have her hold onto the pregnancy tests as I carry her and her bags to the jet.

I settle into the seat while she goes and lays on the bed, falling asleep during the ride home.

When we get there, I have Jonathan waiting with a car. He helps her in, after I tell him her condition, while I put her things in the trunk. Then we get in the front seats. He drives us home and as we pull into the driveway, I see the family waiting. With Klaus who looks warily at the car.

I get out and open Naomi's door. She takes my hands and I help her out, noticing that her belly is slightly larger.

"Jonathan. Give her your sweatshirt." I whisper. He tosses it over at me and I help her put it on, hiding her from Klaus's view.

"Jonathan, can you take her bags to my bedroom?" I ask him. He nods and disappears with her bags.

I lead her towards the family.

"Alexa, who else did you bring home?" Elijah asks, listening to the world around us.

"Nobody yet." I smirk.

The Lost Sister- Alexa MichaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now