Attack of the Killer Slippers Part II

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The next morning Jerry woke up excited about his day's plans. He knew his slippers were the best slippers in the world. There was no need to jump on his dresser, and he didn't have to step on the cold floor. Instead, he jumped out of bed and into the air, without his slippers on his feet. While in the air, he hollered out, "Slippers, warm my feet!"

Just before he landed on the ground, he felt the familiar warmth of his cozy footwear slide themselves neatly onto his feet. He landed in comfort, and within moments he was in the kitchen, having a nice breakfast of nuts he'd collected in days gone by.

This was going to be a good day! He would finish his breakfast, head to his desk and set to work on the hundreds of orders of slippers. He knew he could move fast on them. Building the first set took most of the day, but now that he knew how to build slippers, he could produce maybe ten or fifteen a day. This was going to be great.


Jerry turned to the door. Who could be at his door this early in the morning? He commanded his slippers to take him to the door and as he arrived, one of his slippers, foot inside, kicked up, grabbed the door handle and swung the door open. Unfortunately for Jerry, the slipper held the door handle, and he had to stand there with his legs stretched out like he was doing the splits. He tried to make it look natural.

Standing outside his house was just about every Squirrel in Erry-ville

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Standing outside his house was just about every Squirrel in Erry-ville. They all looked happy and excited. Jerry was relieved to see that. Typically when the Squirrels showed up at his house, it meant they were really upset with him. Today, however, they seemed pleased.

"May I help you?" Jerry asked the crowd.

Terry the Squirrel stepped forward, along with Larry. They looked at Jerry a little funny as if noticing for the first time that he was doing the splits. Terry spoke first. "We, um... are wondering if our slippers are ready."

"Yah," Larry piped in. "I have cold toes. I have poor circulation. I need something to keep them warm."

Everyone began to holler out, "Where are our slippers?" and "Are they ready yet?"

Jerry raised his hands, while still doing the splits with the one foot holding the door open. "People of Erry-Ville, hear me!" Jerry thought that sounded good. "I, Jerry the first, would like to..."

Mary hollered out from the crowd and cut him off. "Wait! Your dad and grandpa were both named Jerry. I think your great-grandpa was named Jerry too! Aren't you Jerry the fourth?"

Jerry felt he was losing control of the conversation. He decided to get to the point. "The slippers aren't ready yet! I should have some of them finished by tomorrow."

With that, the slipper slammed the door closed and returned to the floor. He was sweating. The Squirrels outside looked angry that their slippers weren't ready. He closed his eyes. He felt the stress of having to get all these orders finished.

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