Chapter 1 -Out Of The Blue-

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"When I'm out on streets looking

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"When I'm out on streets looking. Looking for someone to share my hopes and dreams with but no one is there for me. When I step on the street at night I am crying...

Crying for someone to see the importance of being free that some will never be."

-jj - JJN° 2


This is an alternate universe fiction about Kim Seyoon (wow) and Jason (Kim Byeongkwan) of the Kpop group called A.C.E, check them out! they are amazing!

Video credit to hobi's ju at youtube. 

 **Italic writing is the thoughts of the character ** (only Seyoon in this chapter)

Seyoon mostly spends his days with training/working, modelling, dancing, singing and rapping. He is part of a smaller agency in Seoul but it's still big enough that he can travel around the world for different jobs. His income is pretty stable even though It's quite sporadic, mainly because he is good at saving his money. He lives alone in a pretty spacious but not at all luxurious apartment, its good size, good rent, good location, it has all he needs.

Jun lives close to Seyoon and they've been best friends for years. Jun also works in the entertainment industry. Right now he works as a dance teacher for the Performing arts school in town. He also works part-time as a singer/songwriter at the local bars in town, he's not doing it for the money, and he does it for his own sake, just because it makes him feel good. Most things he does are because they make him feel good, no more no less.

Jason originally lives and works in Vancouver, Canada, but has family in Seoul so he occasionally travels back and forth. For now, he is staying in Seoul indefinitely as he has lost his footing a bit back in Vancouver. He is staying with his cousin for now until he knows what his next step in life will be.


Seyoon was in the bathroom staring at his hand. He could still feel a tingling feeling lingering. What just happened? His cheeks were burning. It was as if he'd gotten an electrical shock but I wasn't electricity. It was something else. Something he'd never felt before. He had just said hello and give the guy a handshake. In that instant, Seyoons life took a sharp left turn even when he'd never even seen that road approaching him.


A few days ago, on Wednesday to be exact, Seyoon had gotten the last item for his Halloween costume. Today, Saturday, he would host a Halloween party at his house. It was kind of exciting because it had been a while since he went to a party let alone hosted one. The reason he had taken a break from going to parties was that he was always hoping to meet someone. Someone special, someone that he would feel that chemistry with and that would actually like him back. For this party, however, he had decided to just be himself and not look for anyone who might spark his interest. It had been too many times that he was left solo at every party. His best friend Jun could just breathe and he'd be surrounded by girls and guys wanting his attention.

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