Faint of Heart

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Three Hours Later...

"OH, YOU SORRY SACK OF..." I bit my tongue from cursing the guy next to me, who was currently in the lead for the hundredth game we had played.

"Come on (Y/n)! You're not even trying!" He shouted back.

I was trying. I was trying to the best of my ability. I was now understanding why this game had caused me so much rage in the past: I sucked at it.

"Mark cut me some slack, I'm a little rusty!" I took another jab at his avatar, completely missing and giving him an open window to turn around and stab me into extinction.

Mark's victory screech and my groan of anguish echoed at the same time. Unknown to me, whilst playing Mark and I had inched closer to each other and now had our knees touching. I buried my face in my hands to mask the shame I had brought upon my name.

Mark's laughter ceased after a few minutes, needing to fill his lungs with oxygen once again.

"Rusty?" He said with breathy laughs, "you're so bad, I don't even think WD-40 could help you."

I scoffed, "Oh please, I was winning half of the time."

"Just cause I don't wear glasses anymore, doesn't mean I can't see. And I know I was winning the majority of the time."

"Hmm, then maybe you should start wearing them again."

This time, we both laughed. Good heavens above, his laugh was so sexy. Mine sounded like a hyena being tortured by a goose. I covered my mouth to try and mask the horrid sound.

After we calmed down, Mark glanced over at the clock on the wall; it read 10 o'clock. He looked back to me, breathing deeply due to all the laughter.

"It's getting kind of late, why don't we continue this another time?"

I nodded, realizing how exhausted I was. My eyes almost instantly started to become heavy, I let out a yawn.

"Yeah, someone's tired," he patted me on the shoulder, "you better get to bed."

It was then that I realized our close proximity. The familiar feeling of warmth spread across my cheeks once again. I don't think I had ever blushed so much in one day.

"This was tons of fun, we totally need to do it again."

"Yeah, we should," I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "next time I won't go so easy on you."

Mark raised an eyebrow at me, "Oh, I see how it is. Alright then, I look forward to that."

His eyes flickered with happiness and something I couldn't quite place. He seemed to be tracing the features of my face, studying each detail, memorizing each color. The familiar warmth returned to my face, my immediate response was to turn away. I laughed awkwardly, standing and backing away from him.

"G-goodnight then, Mark."

He stood, not following me, but facing me like an equal. "Goodnight, (Y/n)."

With that, I disappeared back up the stairs.

Despite the awkward farewell, I really had a good time. It almost felt as if we were old friends, just hanging out like we always had. There was this sense of familiarity, I couldn't put my finger on it.

I dismissed the thoughts from my mind and got ready for bed. As I crawled into the newly washed sheet, which smelled new, all I could hear was the memory of Mark and I laughing for hours.


Let's get one thing straight, college is actually the work of Satan.

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