Chapter Thirty Three|| Blessings

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{Aurora's POV}

I sat with Jackson and my mom in his office. He called us up here and I have no idea why.

"Is something wrong, Jackson?" My mother asked.

"No, Anna, I just wanted to talk to you guys about something we've been pushing off." He mumbled and realization sat in.

"Christian's dad." I said and he nodded. My mom tensed and she looked down.

"Charles was a horrible man." She said with a hurt voice.

"I know, and that is what I want to discuss." Jackson said leaning forward from behind his desk. He placed his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together thinking over his words.

"Anna, Christian's dad knows Aurora is alive. I believe that there is a chance that he won't come for her speaking it has been so many years. I also believe there is a slight chance that he could come after her. Obviously, no one wants that to happen." The fear on my mother's face was present and she quickly looked to me.

"I... I just got her back. No, I won't lose her again." She said quickly and my heart clenched.

"You won't. Over my dead body would that ever happen." Jackson was quick to reply back.

"Don't say things like that." I said to him shaking my head. I didn't even want to picture him dead.

"All i'm saying is we need to make a plan soon. I'll make a call to Christian, get him onboard and everything should turn out fine." He said and I couldn't help but think negative.

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then we try harder." The look in his eyes told there was no room for discussion.

I felt like a burden.

"I'm going to go get something to drink." I mumbled standing to my feet and Jackson nodded.

"Anna, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" Jackson asked and she gave him a confused look but nonetheless agreed.

I was quick to turn and leave.

{Jackson's POV}

Once Aurora left the room I could sense the hesitancy Anna was feeling.

"Don't worry, nothing is wrong." I clarified and she relaxed some. "I just wanted to talk to you about this whole situation." I spoke and she nodded for me to go on.

"I want you to know, Im not going to let anything happen to your daughter. I care too much to let that happen. She...she's became all of me lately and I don't even want to think about the harm that could come her way. She's been through too much already. I love her, and very much so. I will protect both of you with my life. She may be a little closed off right now but she cares a lot about you and she always will. Don't doubt her love for you." I spoke as honestly as I could and I could see Anna tear up a bit causing her to look down.

"Thank you, Alpha Jackson, that means a lot to me." She mumbled back.

"Please call me Jackson. No formality needed." I was quick to reply.

"I also wanted to ask you something else." I said a little more hesitant.


"I want your blessing for Aurora's hand in marriage. I don't know when I will propose with all that is happening, but I can assure you it will happen, if you let it that is." I was going to marry Aurora rather I got the blessing or not. Im not letting her go, but this was the respectful thing to do...

"Of course, Jackson. You could have hated me the moment I explained everything and kicked me out of your pack, but you didn't. You've showed me nothing but kindness and I respect that. I also respect your love for my daughter and I appreciate you asking me, but it was never much my decision. The heart wants what it wants and you want her. So just go and get her." I smiled nodding and she stood.

"Im going to head to my room, but thank you."

"Of course."

When she walked out I let out a deep breath and smiled to myself.

I just need everything to go well, which my senses are telling me it won't.

I reached over grabbing the phone on my test and punched in Christian's number.

After a few rings, he picked up.


"It's Jackson."

"What's wrong?" I could hear his concern.

"Nothing... yet. I'm calling because I want to know if I have your support?" I asked.

"What support?"

"Do I have your support when it comes down to your father or Aurora? Do I have it? Cause I will protect what is mine, Christian. No matter who i'm against." I declared and Christian went silent for a moment.

"You have my support." He finally spoke up.

"But I do need to remind you that you know what happens if you kill a king." Christian said.

"He is no longer king."

"But he was at one point. In our laws, it is punishable by death to kill or imprison a previous king without permission from the church elders. The elders love my father and they would never go against him. You'll be in jail before you could even get the full accusation out. Plus, he is still a royal, your superior. I'm giving you my support to take him down, not kill him. I do not want to see a good friend lose his life because of a pathetic man who doesn't deserve to see the light of day. I understand the hell you want to put him through, but leave that up to me. Like you said, i'm king and no one goes against a king."

Was Christian saying he will be the one to kill him?

"With all due respect, he is powerful, he won't go down without doing it permanently." I stated trying to get more information from what he hinted at.

"You're a smart man, Jackson, I think you can figure something out. Look, Scarlett is putting the kids do bed and is calling my name for help, i'll talk to you later. Please don't make any irrational choices. I'll be in touch." With that the line went dead.

I put the phone down and gritted my teeth together.

This won't be an easy one.

I knew what we had to do, and Christian won't like it.

We're going to have to go in front of the church and its elders. Little does Christian know, I'm quite a favorite there. 


Ahhh the plot thickens.....




What do you think will happen next? Comment!

If you're hating the wait, the rest of the book is on Radish for early access!!! It's an app you can download on any phone/tablet/ipad/etc and my username is: Keyleehargis56 or you can simply search up 'The Intelligence Bond' :)

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