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'We were in the maze together!' Aris explains, a big grin in his face as if he'd just found his long lost friends from school.
The word echoes away like it has no meaning. No purpose. The feeling of emptiness wells inside me as it has for all this time.

Only half listening, I look at the girls he'd just stated he knew. The brunette one on his left looked more fierce than the blonde on the right, like she could still turn on us all of a sudden. The blonde didn't seem to interested in Aris' story either, as she was looking down at her gun.

Minho shuffling in his feet turns towards me.
'You sure we can trust these shanks? Like five minutes ago they wanted to blow our shucking brains out.'

'Well lucky for Aris we're still in one piece Minho.' I respond.

'Yeah well, I still don't trust the kid completely.'

I brush him off only to catch the blonde staring at me from a distance. Gulping, I glance away, only for my heart to start thumping.

Thomas steps forward and asks the brunette who introduced herself as Harriet, if she knew where the Right Arm was. Leaning back against the rusty car, she opens the door. 'Hop in.'

Thomas glances at her, then goes inside.

'Stupid shuckface.' Minho rolls his eyes. 'How many times do we have to tell him not to get in strangers-

The car door is slammed shut by Harriet before he can finish. She then heads towards us.

She raises an eyebrow. 'Get in strangers cars you say?'

Great. Thanks Minho.
Harriet eyes us down waiting for an answer.

'Uhh... well.' Minho starts, avoiding the eye contact.

'Uhh well what? I don't have all day.' She snaps. 'If you're so protective of your buddy why not join him or we'll happily head on our way and leave you to the cranks.'

The whole place goes silent, everyone staring at us. Minho should really learn to hold his tongue sometimes.

'We'll go with you.' I stammer.

Harriet's eyes move on to me, with her eyebrows furrowed she huffs then turns back to everyone else.

'Group up guys!'

The others unfreeze from their positions and murmur to each other, probably wondering who the hell were those to idiots.
I see Minho staring down Harriet with an evil glare as she walks away.

'Hey guys, wanna come with us?' A voice comes up to us.

I open my mouth to accept the offer, but Minho gets there first.

'Go with you and your feisty little firecracker? I think not.'
He storms away, his shoulder bumping Aris' on his way past, leaving a surprised expression on his face. Hopeful, he turns to me.


'I'll take it from here Aris, thanks.' A female voice from behind.
I spin around to see the blonde one who was staring at me from earlier.

Without turning back I hear Aris head off. 'Uhh... I'll see you around then Newt.'

When Aris was out of sight the girl takes a few steps closer to me. A feeling of, I don't know what it was, remembrance was it, makes me shudder. It's a feeling I can't explain. Almost like déjà vu, but it's not.

'Newt is it?' She puts out her hand. 'I'm Sonya.'

I shake it politely. 'Nice to meet you... Sonya.'

Releasing from her grip I now got a chance to study her features up close. The blonde hair in the daylight soon made out to be a reddish blonde ombré. She could easily pass as a mature 17 year old yet she stood just under 5'0.

With Sonya looking up to me, I automatically felt this warmth presence of a home, ease, peace, courage and hope all at once. I never felt this feeling with another girl before. Shivers run up my spine, almost making me believe that this girl was my guardian angel. At least there was one trustworthy person here, someone who was just as confused as I am. Thoughts run into deeper thoughts, wondering what this innocence teenager is doing in this crazy environment. What happened to her parents? Her old life? Did Wicked take her too?
I silently swear that this precious angel should be protected at all costs.

'You ok?' She smiles at me, and I realize that I've been staring like a shank.

'Oh- uh, yeah, you said we were going to go to-

'Indeed I did!' She too snaps out of her thoughts.
'Follow me.'


Sorry I haven't updated this in forever! I lost my plot sheet a while back, but luckily I retrieved it a few days ago!
Can't wait to share the rest of this story with you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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