10-Hogsmeade (Part 2)

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Harry's POV

"Don't you dare say that about her Weasley. You have no right to say such a thing to her." Draco yelled at him. Ron stood up and he started hitting Draco.

They ended up outside and neither were stopping anytime soon.

Hermione was yelling at Ron to stop but nothing stopped.

Ron pulled out his wand and stuck it to Draco's neck. With out thinking I did the same and disarmed Ron before he could do anything.

"Ronald stop it this is between me and you now I had no intentions on cheating or even hurting you. I just..I love Pansy. I will always love you but more like a brother." She was crying at this point and Draco was hugging her to keep her from falling to the ground.

"Hermione?! What did you do to her you slimy git." Pansy came running towards hermione and quickly took her from Draco.

"Pansy it's fine boys you can leave if you want. Me and Ron need to talk. I'll be fine Draco go with harry." She saw Draco's hesitation but he followed me none the less.

"Okay before Ron came and made a scene what were you going to say?" I asked as we walked through the streets.

"Um i-it was nothing." He stuttered out.

"Okay well I need to tell you something and before I do you have to promise not to freak." I spoke quickly but he nodded his head. I breathed in and out trying to calm down.

"Ok well a few nights ago I had this dream and you were in it well both of us were in it. Um and in the dream I was sleeping and someone was calling my name." I breathed in again.

"And when I opened my eyes I was on a bed and your arms were wrapped around me." Gulped as I spoke Draco was silent. But I could tell he was having trouble breathing too.

"Then you were talking about kids being late and and then two little girls walked in and yelling at us to get up and you shooed them away and told me to get up." My heart ate was increasing.

"And when I went to leave... Um you um pulled me to you and said wait before we go... and you um you." I stopped and Draco looked confused.

"I woke up but if I hadn't you would of probably kissed me." I rushed my words.

I looked down ashamed.

"Harry what are you saying." He's voice was raspy.

"I don't know I talked to mione about and she said I might like you but I don't know I more confused then ever. I'm so sorry if this messes with out friendship and I know if you might see me differently and I Now yo-" I was cut off by Draco cupping my face in his hands and looking down.

"Merlin I hope I don't regret this." He said before pulling my face to his.

We connected lips and it took me a second before I responded.

We pulled apart catching our breathe.

"Wow." I smiled and laughed at Draco's red face.

"So um what does this mean?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well if that wasn't clear enough. I like you like a lot." He lowered his head.

"I like you too." I spoke quietly.

He's head shot up and his smile grew large.

"I'm still confused about my feelings but I know that I like you." My voice was still shaking.

"Um could I kiss you again?" He asked shyly.

I didn't even say anything I just grabbed his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. I don't know where this new found confidence came from but I loved it.

Kissing him felt weird and amazing at the same time.

He pulled away first and suggested that we head back to Hogwarts since it was turning to night.

We walked hand and hand to our dorm , showered (separately) and we laid next to each other in bed.

Draco ran his hands through my hair.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." He continued to play with my hair.

"Play with my hair?" I asked laughing.

"No being able to be with you. Like really be with you. But I'd really like to know what we are?" He asked letting go of my hair.

"Well what do you want to be?" I asked sitting up.

"I don't know I've never liked labels but I wouldn't mind being your boyfriend."
He said nervously.

"Okay then. Will you Draco Malfoy be my Boyfriend." Me and Draco both wear a goofy smile.

"Well let me think... Harry Potter I would love to be your boyfriend." We closed the gap between us and curled up to each other and fell asleep with Draco swirling my mind.


Eeeeek Drarry is official
Here's an extra chapter post because I love you guys.

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