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Draco's POV

I woke up with Harry's legs wrapped around mine. It was Sunday so I didn't want to wake him up too early.

I just laid there looking at him. He was beautiful. I'm so happy now that I'm with him and nothing could mess this up for us.

A few minutes passed and the door cracked open. I turned my head carefully trying to avoid waking Harry up.

When I turned my head I see Hermione and Pansy gushing at me and harry.

"Well it's about time." Pansy said wrapping her arms around Hermione's small waist.

I rolled my eyes at her and turned back to harry. Who had started to stir in his sleep.

He's eyes slowly opened and he immediately smiled.

"Morning." He kissed me on the lips before realizing we had company.

"Morning." I said back as we untangled ourselves.

"You two are precious together. Pansy get my camera I need to capture this moment." Hermione squealed. Pansy ran out of the room and returned with an old camera.

Harry rested his head on my shoulder and legs in my lap as I sat criss-cross on top of the bed.

"It's too early for this Mione." Harry said groaning.

"Oh hush and look cute for a minute." She shushed him while I tucked my head next to his. I heard a click of her camera and slowly turned my head.

"Perfect." She laughed putting the camera on my bed while taking a seat on it with Pansy following her actions.

"Girls not that we don't love seeing you two this early in the morning, but why are you here." Harry lifted his head looking at them.

"Well I thought maybe you two would want to hear what happened after you left yesterday." She got closer to Pansy and Pansy wrapped her arms around her making her sit in her lap.

Harry simply nodded.

"Well I know you two don't want to hear all the boring bits. So long story short, I explained to Ron in the best of my ability that I never wanted to hurt him in anyway. Then he started yelling at me and saying words I don't have the heart to repeat. He kept saying Pansy poisoned my brain, and that it's all her fault. He just wouldn't listen. I love him. I do, but not in the way he loves me. I just wish-"
She let out a sob and Pansy rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

"I just wish he would be happy for me. He needs to be with someone who loves him and can give him the life me deserves. I hate that he is hurt on my account, and I hope he does move on. Find someone that makes him as happy as Pansy makes me. He stormed off before I could finish talking to him." She was in tears by the time she finished her sentence.

All I could think was about how much of a total git he was being about the whole situation. He has no say in what she does if she's happy that's all that matters.

Hermione stopped crying and cleared her throat.

"Ok the next thing I was going ask you two was if you want to come on a picnic with me and Pansy." She masked her pain in a fake smile quicker then she started crying.

"Of course we can. We just need to get ready. How about we meet up in the common room in half an hour." Harry said. They both nodded and left the room.

Harry tried to get up, but I pulled him back down.

"Draco we need to get ready." He groaned again.

"This will only take a minute." I smirked.

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