"It's All Just Smoke and Mirrors"

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A few years later

I finish putting my things in my drawstring book bag. I check my list: water bottles, sunglasses, sunscreen, snacks, sharpie, wallet, deodorant, phone charger, and extra clothes

I look at myself in the mirror, I'm wearing jean shorts, a Pink Floyd shirt that is cut up and tied, and my red converse.

I grab my phone and book bag, leaving the house. I drive to the venue, there are so many people here.

I park my car and see the line up like a mile long, I sigh and walk to the end. It takes me a good half hour to get through the line, but eventually I get through security and walk in.

There are people everywhere, different stages and different bands playing.

I walk around, tents set up of people selling water, food, and merch.

I put my sunglasses on due to the sun being too bright.

I spend the day watching bands play, buying merch, meeting some bands. Today has been a blast—My heart almost stops when I see Bring Me the Horizon's tent.

I walk over excitedly.

"Hi there," Matt Kean smiles at me.

"H-hi," I smile brightly, unable to contain my excitement.

"What's your name?" He asks.


Oliver, Jordan, Matt, and Lee come and walk over to us.

"Who's this?" Lee asks, giving me a friendly smile.

"Racheal, hi I'm Racheal, I'm really happy to meet you guys," I ramble on accidentally.

"Well it's nice to meet you Racheal," Oliver holds his hand out.

I shake his hand, probably looking like a crazy women. I shake the rest of the guys' hands.

"Now, would you like us to sign something for you?" Jordan asks me.

"Yes! Yes please, here," I give them my phone. "Can you sign my case?"

"Of course," Matt takes my phone.

They all sign the case, handing my phone back to me.

"Can I get a photo with you Matt? And then one with you guys?" I grin.

"Of course," Matt winks.

I feel my insides explode, I can't believe I'm meeting Bring Me The Horizon.

I hand Jordan my phone so he can take a picture when I hear that voice.

I turn my head almost too fast, I look around for the voice.

"Racheal, are you alright?" Matt puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, um, yeah.. I-I'll be right back," I stumble upon my words, walking away.

I walk around, looking for his voice when I see them. I see them on stage, god they all changed so much.

I walk over, listening to them play.

"Let me fucking hear you!" He shouts into the microphone. "I am the chosen, wretched and divine, I am the unspoken, the one they left behind, fearless fight until we die, I am broken,"

He holds the mic out to the fans.

"The wretched and divine!" They all sing.

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