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Alexander woke to the subtle rocking of the boat on the waves, though to a young boy who has never been on a boat it felt like anything but subtle. But the growing sickness in his stomach didn't stop the adolescent from jumping rather harshly out of the bed. This of course woke the older man sleeping next to him."Alexander why must you wake me so abruptly."Alexander froze in his steps, fear ridden.

"M-My apologies, sir," said Alex. He may have known Washington for a month now but he was no less terrified of him. It had been six months since Alexander's mother's death, of what he believed to be yellow fever, When Mr. Washington walked into his life.

 He had found Alexander living on the street of Nevis, he brought him back to where he was staying.This is where he fed Alex and quickly learned how much Alexander could talk. He was terrified of man in front of him, but alas being only 11, he couldn't hold his tongue. Though Mr. Washington didn't seem the least bit annoyed, unlike every other person on that, hell ridden island. Washington seemed amused at how much Alexander had to say. Of course he had to make the boy quite down and eat his food, since he believed Alexander to be far to small. Though this didn't make sense. Alexander was the same size as every other boy on the island.

While Alex ate Mr. Washington spoke of his life, how he's actually General Washington, and his wife back home, Martha he called her. Then for his reason of coming to Nevis. He'd received a letter saying he had a son he never knew of here. Alexander expected something like this. Men like Mr. Washington only came to an island like this for business or a child. But then he said something to change both their lives forever."I had received a letter 2 months prier about my child I'd never known of, From a Mrs. Rachel Hamilton, do you know her, son." Yes. Yes Alexander knew her. Of course he knew her, She was his mother.

He looked Mr. Washington in the eyes and for the first time, was at a loss for words. He found them of course. And thus began a long night for both. About Alexander's father, or who he thought was, and how he left them when Alex was only 8, About his brother, who'd died at 5 months, and his mother, he saw Mr. Washington's face change. Though didn't know what emotion drove the change. 

The next morning Mr. Washington asked if Alexander would return to America with him. Alex Was at a loss. He knew the man a day and already loved him more than the man who he'd thought his father for so long. But, being a pride driven man, and still not sure he could trust the General,he merely shook Mr. Washington's hand And said, "I'd enjoy that very much." Of course Alexander was just a boy, so he couldn't hide the smile that rang from ear to ear. And Mr. Washington saw right through him. A week later they boarded a boat Virginia Bound. I apologize Mr. Washington, I-I was just excited for my first day aboard a boat, You know I've never been on one?!" He excitedly told the General. 

"Yes Alexander." Washington Chuckled "You've said it many times, but I would prefer if you would stay in the cabin until the sun is at least up." Now, Alexander was terrified of making This man angry. He had, had far to many grown men,"teach him a lesson" in his short life, to even wonder what Mr Washington would do. But, He Was a stubborn and entitled as they came, and his age didn't help, so without thinking "But sir, the sun is almost about to rise and it's far more fun up deck at this hour, well the best time would be in the middle of the night, an-" Alexander was cut of with the General holding up his hand.


"Now Alexander, I don't want you up there in the dark," he spoke while dressing himself, clearly I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, he thought "It's far to dangerous, the men aren't as careful of passengers this time, let alone a little boy they might not even see in day light." At this Alexander opened his mouth ready to protest, but George beat him to it " And besides you refuse to wear the coat I bought you, and I won't have you catching a cold."

"I'll wear the coat!" Alexander Offered," I will, I'll wear it all day!"

"Do you promise?"

"Yes, Yes I'll wear it!"

"Thank you Alex, but it's still a no."

"Wh- Hey you tricked me!" Alexander, harshly accused, pointing finger at George. This act, of course, looked much to cute on an 11 year old boy, no matter how quickly the island had forced him to grow up, and caused George to chuckle and rustle the boys hair,

" I'm your father, It's my job to trick you" This only caused Alex to mumble to himself.

"But," He proposed, causing Alex's head to snap up," If you do promise to keep your coat

on all day and act like a gentleman, then I shall walk up deck with you."

"Of course, sir" Alexander was quick to agree, seeing no other options."You'll find I can impress anyone, with my advanced manners."

"Oh really, then I'll expect these oh-so advanced manners at all times, son" To this Alexander facepalm, realizing he'd said to much, yet again. But George only, held out Alexander's coat to him and opened the door.

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