I'm not sorry

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Above deck, before dawn. Quite the adventure. Or it would be, if Mr. Washington didn't find it necessarily to converse with anyone and everyone willing. Alexander tried to stay near the General, knowing it was the best way to avoid upsetting him, But once again, no matter how hard Alex tried not to be, He was still just an 11 year old boy. Once he caught sight of the topmass, he found it easy to slip away.

 He Rounded around the side, of the pole so the General wouldn't see him if he was to just glance over. Yes, it was a skill not to be proud of, but Alexander knew just how to do things to prolong the discovering of his misdeed. He thought, with time I will surely learn to hide them all together. He stopped his thoughts and focused only on the climb. Knowing it to be dangerous for most boys his age, but, Alexander is not most boys. Within 7 minutes he had himself half way, he stopped to catch his breath and look around. He looked down at just the right time to see    Mr. Washington notice his absence. Oh great, he thought, well too late to turn back. Mabye if he hid the general would look back in their cabin and given Alex the time to climb down. This way he'd probably be in less trouble. And Alex could lie, He was proud of that, It's a hard skill to master for any man, let alone a young boy. It was quite necessary on the island.

His thoughts were interrupted by Washington catching sight of Alex. Both froze. Now Alexander could sum his emotions all into, Fear. But Mr. Washington, He had fear, anger,disappointment, and others Alex couldn't begin to comprehend. And When he called out not twoseconds, after spotting him.

"ALEXANDER, GET DOWN FROM THERE AT ONCE!" Alex's heart stopped. He was never one for authority, and questioned it whenever he could. But there was no way he would dare defy the General this time. He put all his fear into tightly holding the post, and climbed down. He tried to hide the fear on his face, but knew he was failing. He slowing walked towards Mr. Washington, head held down but eyes up . Washington looked both relieved and angry. No, thought Alexander, he's pissed. 

And with that one thought the general grabbed the boy's upper arm and thrusted him towards their cabin. Causing Alex to let out a very undignified yelp, but he wouldn't pull away.

Once they reached the cabin Washington let Alexander stand on his own. And Began." Alexander, have you any clue what you've just done?" Alex knew not to answer, to just look down in shame, of course he felt none, just fear of what was to come."I can't believe you think it acceptable to wander off, without telling me, and then to endanger yourself by climbing the mass! Alexander I expect more from you, And you've made it quite clear how you are smart you are so you must have known what you were doing to be wrong!"

Mr. Washington sighed " Well boy, what do you have to say for yourself?" This time Alexander responded."I-I Just Thou-Thought," Why did he have to stutter" that I-I could Handle It, And thatIt might b-be fun to see the, um, view from up th-there, mabey."

WASH pov

For the first time Washington could see Alexander in a young state of mind. That's good, he thought,He's young and should be allowed to act so." Alexander, I know you believed you could climb without fail, but what if you hadn't. What if you had fallen to your death, I don't know what I would have done without you, son. You are the light of my life. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And that's why you can never do this again. I will not lose you, You hear me."

ALEX pov

for the first time since his Mother, Alexander felt gilt. He always hated upsetting his Mother, He felt like a disappointment, Like she deserves better. But it was a feeling reserved for her. So why did he feel it now. He had had others take care of him and never felt gilt for them. But he wanted to be more for Mr. Washington, trustworthy or not, it was his real Father. He felt so much shame for putting him through this. " Yes sir, I'm so so sorry for doing this to you, Mr. Washington. I never meant for you to be hurt. I was selfish and only thought of myself, and for that I apologize." Washington then wrapped his arms around Alexander, which was not what he expected at all. But strangely Alex hugged back.

"I know son, but this is a big deal and a simple apology is not enough." Of course, Alex cursed himself for thinking this time would be different.

"Please sir, I know I've been a pain and you must regret your decision to bring me with you, but if you would only allow me to stay with you to we reach landfall, I could find other living arrangements and you wouldn't have to deal with me any-" but once again Alexander was cut of by the General.

"Good God, Alexander No." This made him snap his head up in confusion." You think I would ever Let you go. You are my child, and despite not knowing you a month, I love you more than anything in this life. You made a mistake, your supposed to, you're a young boy. And as your Father I'm supposed to fix them." Washington definitely saw the confusion on Alexander's face, but he beat him to words"You must stay in the room for seven days except for eating."

Alexander was still confused, but was not going to not fight."But sir, that is in no way fair! I Know I messed up but I promised to not do it again, why is that not enough! What must I do for you to trust me!" now Alex's voice grew to a slight yell, but somehow failed to provoke the

General, who stayed perfectly calm.

"You can abide by the rules set in place." He said with a ferm, gentle voice.


"No buts, Alexander. You Can either take this or if you rather not you can sleep outside in the cold."

"NO, no" Alex sighed " this is..Fine"

Mr. Washington smiled at this."Good lad, now I have business to attend to, I trust you will stay in here the whole time."

"Yes sir."Alex mumbled, but it satisfied the General. And so he was off. While Alex sat down, to count the days.

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