New World

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Two long months dragged by. After Alexander had served his sentence for the general he did his best to avoid another. Of course this only proves to make life more boring than it already was. He couldn't stand on the bow of the ship-even in calm waters-, he couldn't gamble with men after dark, he wasn't even allowed out after dark. Alexander had to act the part of a gentleman. And it was exhausting.
Now the general wasn't unreasonable. He knew that to require Alexander to never speak out of turn was to sentence the boy to a far away cell with the key thrown out.
There was a lack of many children on the ride, though Alex didn't mind, he'd always faired better with mature conversations.
But despite doing his best for the remainder of the trip, when land was spotted no one was safe.
I was just finishing a letter to Martha, to be sent when land was reached, when the door to my cabin flew open.
"Yes Alexander, the captain was very prudent about getting the message around." Alexander ran to the one small, circular window in their room. He stood on a trunk that had been placed there and stretched to look through the glass.
"Can you believe it! We're going to be in America! The New World! Finally this boat will be behind us."
Washington stood from his desk and began to tidy things away, "Yes, and if you would like to be off this ship sooner I suggest you pack away your things. The crew will be collecting luggage in a half hour." Alexander absently nodded his head but only focused on the slowly growing view of Virginia.
Only when the trunk began to creak under the boys too small weight did Washington order him down. He was glad they be off the ship soon; Alexander need a proper diet if he was going to be the proper size that his age would imply.
I couldn't wait! On Nevis I dreamed of main land, like every other perosn there, I wished to come some day. I knew then that it was an unrealistic dream. We couldn't afford mama's medicine, let alone passage to America.
If mama could see me now, was all he could think.
Alexander rushed around the room. His packing was a mess and only set them back.
Normally Mr. Washington would take the time to get Alexander to do a better job. But they were on a tight and approaching deadline.
Alex was sent up deak to check on the ships progress. America was only 20 minutes away from Alexander's calculations. The deck was a mess, crew preparing the ship, passengers being more in the way than usual, and no one being highly productive.
Alexander stood near the bow to watch the land come in. He didn't move until he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. His initial reaction was to flinch and reach for the hand. But when he did he looked up to find his biological father staring down at him with concern.
Alexander tended to react oddly to normal situations. It worried his father when he flinched away. Though he seemed more calm around Mr. Washington since their journey began, he wasn't very close to comfortable.
But these discussions hadn't been broached between the two
"Are you alright Alexander?"
"Yes sir."
The world around the bustled but the two were in their own.
"We're close to land Sir."
"Indeed...Alex?" He thought to ask the boy if he was scared of the elder.
"Yes sir?"
"...When we get to the port stay close alright? It's a large place, easy to get separated in."
"Of course sir."
He didn't.

"Alexander!" The general looked everywhere for the boy. He did not understand. He had told Alexander to wait by their horses while he made arrangements for their things.
He was ten feet away.
Yet, when he turned back, Alex was gone.

Alexander knew he shouldn't. Mr. Washington had given him so much. Food, clothes, trust. And to repay him this way. But Alexander was a boy of eleven years and had a nack for convincing people of his views. It was no taks to convince himself what an astounding idea it would be to have a quick walk around the square. Nothing could happen.
Alexander was often wrong when it came to common sense.
Walking around, block after block, right after left. Completely blown away from the shocking differences the city had to his home. He was lost yes. But he knew how to take car of himself. And in any rate he didn't care much at the moment.
While walking around he spotted one man stumbling out a tavern.
On Nevis there had been one small tavern. It had been a popular place for young boys to ask for spare change. Men could be easily persuaded when drunk. If they weren't mad.
Alex could bring some spare change back to the general. That would make up for his disappearance.
Alexander was not ready for an American tavern.

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