chapter fifteenth: eye of the storm

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Chapter 15:Eye of The Storm

An:// this is my last chapter, hope you like it

Storm Chargers

Kelly smiled as she passed her employees on the way out, Hunter leaning on the wall, Dustin standing next to him, jac sitting on the counter next to him, and Blake leaning against the counter next to her. She shouldered her bag, a few binders in her other arm, as she passed them. "See you tomorrow, guys."

"See ya, Kel," all four said together, watching her leave, before turning to each other.

"Where's Shane?" Dustin asked, raising an arm up before letting it drop to his side. "Tsunami Cycle training is like the one class I never wanna be late for," he finished, crossing his arms over his chest.

"There he is," Hunter said, pointing to the obviously stressed Red Ranger as he walked over to meet his friends.

"Hey, man," Dustin said to him, "What's up?"

"You don't look so good, dude," jac said, hopping down from the counter and joining the boys in the backroom.

Shane sighed and grabbed a pair of replacement skateboard wheels, spinning them around before looking up at the four in front of him, "Yeah, I just found out my big brother's coming to town," he said.

Blake laughed, "Yeah, that'd bum me out, too," he joked.

"Hey!" Hunter exclaimed, although he allowed a laugh to escape, knowing it was a joke.

"No man, for real, what's…? What's the matter?" Blake asked, ducking from the playful slap Hunter sent his way.

Shane thought about it for a minute before responding with, "No, it's just… he's like the perfect son. Successful, he's got a great job, nice house, and not much into skateboarding," he explained, playing with the wheels in his hands.

"Why doesn't he try Motocross?" Dustin asked as he and the three others followed Shane as he walked away.

Jac sighed, "Not the point, dude," she said, beating Shane to it.

Shane nodded in agreement, "And trust me, it would take more than some big air to impress my brother," he finished, setting down the skateboard wheels and leaving with the others.


An hour later and the Rangers, Wind, Thunder, and Winter, were all standing in a quarry. The Wind Rangers had been practicing on their bikes, but had crashed them, leaving Hunter, Blake, and jac the only one with bikes left. Cam had been with them, but left with the ruined bikes. So, Hunter, Blake and jac stood in front of their bikes, the only ones to have not wrecked them.

"Huh, Cam says our bikes won't be ready for a week," Dustin said, bending down and bracing his hands on his knees.

Shane walked forward, Tori and Dustin following, and climbed onto the Thunder and Winter bikes. "Well, I guess we'll just have to practice with these three," he said.

"I'm game," Tori agreed.

"Me, too," Dustin said.

"You sure? Uh, careful!" Blake warned, turning around to look at the three Wind Rangers.

"Ah, I can't watch; this is gonna be ugly!" jac said, turning around so he wouldn't see it.

Shane smirked under his helmet and revved the Crimson Tsunami Cycle while Tori did the same on the Navy Tsunami Cycle. Dustin followed suit on jac's bike.

"Come on Tori, Dustin!" Shane exclaimed.

"I'm right with ya!" Tori grinned.

"I don't know about this," jac said hesitantly as Dustin started her bike.

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