finally some good fucking food

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*Supernatural voice intro* The road so far...

"Where would you like to eat?" Todorki spoke finally looking at me with his usual expression.  

"Oh no, I can't let you pay for me, I don't have the money to give back to you," I reply frantically, as Todorki continue to walk forward. 

"I insist, I won't take no for an answer." He spoke with a little force, I could hear my stomach rumble, "So where would you like to eat?" 

"I um, I haven't ever been to a food place. Whatever you like I guess..." I admitted with a little bit of shame

"Actually neither have I, I was hoping you would have an idea." He spoke softly looking down at me, he's never been to a restaurant either? For a normal kid his age that's weird, maybe there's more to his past than I think. 

"Maybe we could ask someone, Uraruka gave me her phone number today. I'm sure she knows a good place to eat." I suggest as we stop walking, and I pull out my phone and send a quick message to Uraruka 

to: Gravity girl 

from: (y/n) 

(y/n): Hey, Uraruka. Do you know any good places to eat in town? 

Gravity girl: Yea! I recommend (favorite restaurant or (f/R), they have really good food there! 

(Y/n): Okay thank you so much 

"How about (F/R) it's quite close." todoroki just nodded and walked the correct direction. As We were walking I let my mind wander slightly. The air was slightly crisp as we were getting closer to winter, a slight breeze through the air. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and it was getting later in the day. When we got to the restaurant I order what I wanted, and todoroki ordered the same thing. Once we took a seat it fell into an awkward silence. 

"I understand that you don't want to talk about your situation, but I need to ask if you are okay? Who are you currently living with?" Todoroki finally spoke, ending the uncomfortable silence. But the question he asked were hard ones. 

"I'm not living with my mother if that is what you are concerned about," I reply trying not to look at him. 

"No, I want to know if you are safe." He spoke so softly, I looked up at him to see the concern. I could tell that I was staring, but his eyes were just so beautiful. 

"Well, I've been staying at a place for a while. I have two jobs, and I'm saving every penny to find a better place to stay. I usually eat at work, but I haven't had a shift in two days. I um... I live by myself." I told the truth, well a half-truth. But I don't want to worry Todoroki with all of this, I want to help him. The waitress set down our food, and I couldn't help but dig into it like a rabid dog. Every single bite was delicious, and It was so good. 

"Do you like it?" Todoroki questioned with the slightest giggle, the answer was quite obvious. 

"Yea," I replied with a slight laugh 

"What you did to Bakugou in class was quite funny," Todorki spoke slowly eating his food, he seemed to be staring at me? 

"Thanks, That boy really needs to be knocked off his high horse. I feel bad for that Midoriya guy, he seems to take most of bakugou anger." I reply continuing to eat 

"I see him with All Might a lot, do you think he is secretly his child?" Todoroki questioned as if it was almost hard for him to talk about it. 

"That would be quite interesting, their quirks are quite similar." I reply stop eating for a second, and recall past memories, " Oh yea, I wanted to ask you something." 

"What is it?" Todorki questioned as he looked at me softly 

"Are you doing okay? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I would understand. I just want to make sure you are doing okay also." I ask with caution, scanning his face for a reaction. I don't want to scare him away, he is my first friend. 

"Honestly, (L/n), there are a few things. But I can manage, I'm doing fine." Todoroki replied going back to eating. 

"I understand. Also If you don't mind, I would be nice for you to call me by my first name. I would like to consider you as my friend." I finish my food as Todoroki just nods and finishes his food. Honestly, it kinda hurt that he didn't want me to call him by his first name, but I understand if he doesn't want to open up. Soon he finished and we agreed to head home. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home, I wouldn't mind," Todoroki questioned for the second time 

"I'm positive, it's quite far and I wouldn't want you to be home so late. Plus the sun is setting soon so I'll be fine." I reply starting to walk to the train station

"It's usually not a good thing that the sun is setting, that's when the villains are out," Todoroki replied walking towards me slightly 

"Excepts that's when I'm the strongest, At night everything is a shadow. I can transport home really fast, I'll be fine." I respond, waving goodbye to the very attractive male, "Have a good night, and I'll see you tomorrow!" 

*Todoroki pov* 

"Have a good night, and I'll see you tomorrow!" (L/n) yelled as she walked towards the train station, I watch as she disappeared around a corner. I took a deep breathe as thoughts ran through my head. I don't know why I am so concerned about her, maybe I see a part of myself in her. She's hiding something, and I want to find out what it is. She makes my heart beat faster when I am near her. What is that? I continue to walk home getting ready for the lecture I'll get for getting home late. I just wish I knew how to make (L/n) open up to me, but I think that door goes both ways. I'll have to open up to her as well, am I ready for that? 

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