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I walk into class as they let us know we will be picking our hero names today, and I internally freakout. At first I was thinking about using my mothers name as like a screw you mom. But I figured it would get way too confusing. We all sat down at the desk and Midnight handed out whiteboards. She gave up time to think about it then we would present individually. I stare at the blank whiteboard, as a name came to mind. Obscurity. I write the name down quickly and raise my hand to present. I walk up to the front of the class and smile at all of my classmates. My friends. I look at Shoto. He has a blank face but i can see in his eyes he's encouraging me. I flip the bored over as a slightly messy 'Obscurity' is written on it. 

"Obscurity? I like it!" Midnight spoke excitedly. I nodded and took my seat as my fellow classmates completed me on the way. Shoto just sent sent me a thumbs up.

We went through everyone and what hero name they wanted, it was a very emotional day from everyone. Getting one step closer to our dream goal. This was our last class before our internships. I said goodbye to everyone, but I heard something very sad about Iida. His brother got attack by the Hero killer, he might be paralyzed. Iida had to go home, and I hope that he will be okay.

"Hey, what Hero did you end up picking?" Shoto asked as he caught up with me as I walked to the train station.

"I ended up picking," I linger as he watches my face, i think he figures it out as his expression goes even more blank.

"Say it." He spoke coldly

"I chose Endeavor I'm sorry Shoto." I try to place my hand in his as he pulls it away. He just looks at me for a second before he walks a different way.

  I'm sorry shoto but I choose endeavor. Even though everything in me said to choose Aizawa. I honestly have no idea why I did this, mostly regretting it as I walk up to the doors of Endeavors hero base. I take a deep breath and put a smile on my face. I make my way to the secretary and tell her who I am, she tells we to go up the stairs and i'll see Endeavor and Todoroki waiting for me.

I make my way up the stairs with shaking legs, lingering at the door for a second before walking in. I see Endeavor sitting at a desk scowling at me as todoroki looks away from him angrily. I smile as I walk through the door.

"Good morning Endeavor, Todoroki." I speak bowing slightly as Endeavor just nods slightly.

"Shoto, would you please head down to the lobby," He broke his scowl from me and looked at his son for a second, "I need to speak with (l/n)."

"What are you going to say to her?" Shoto questioned angrily

"It's okay shoto, I'll meet you down there soon." I break the conversation as Shoto looks at me and shakes his head. He walks out the door as I feel a slight pain of guilt.

"I won't cut any corners. What do you want from my son? Money? Information? If it's money you desiree I'll fill up your bank account to leave him alone. He doesn't need any...distractions." Endeavor starts as I scoff at him.

"I don't want your money. Crazy thing, I like him because of who his is. Something you probably never learned how to do. And don't think for a second I chose this internship for todoroki. I have my career as a hero I need to focus on, and so does he. But we build and push each other to become better heros," I start

"Why did you choose this internship then? Reporting back information to your mother?" Endeavor questioned with hate dripping in his voice.

"I choose this internship because despite you being a complete and utter asshole, one of the worst ill manner men I've ever met, you're the number 2 hero. So there must be some type of strategy to make it this far despite not being an actual hero-" I begin

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