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Jihyo's Pov

What does he want me to remember? "Jihyo unnie!" Nayeon called me making me snap back to reality.

"Why do you like like you've seen a ghost unnie?" Nayeon said to me.

"Nayeon-ssi, he wants me to remember." I said to her and held her hand tight.

"R-remember what unnie?" She cutely said. I immediately let go of my grip to her hand and shook my head.

" this about that Taehyung guy?" She said and I looked at her.

"Are you hiding something from me?" I said.

She just looked down and fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"Tell me!" I yelled, she flinched.

I breathed heavily and walked out.

Nayeon's Pov

"Mianhae unnie but it's not the right time...."

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