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{2 years later}

"Hansung, can you please get me the hammer from the table." I said to my 13 year old son.

He got up and got the hammer from the table.

"All set!" I said excitedly as I look at the surprise I made.

It's Jihyo's birthday and I'm planning a surprise birthday party for her.

"Dad, Sunmi's calling." Hansung said as he handed over me the phone.

"Hey dad, me and mom just finished shopping and we're heading over there." Sunmi said and I nodded. I ended the call and got ready.

"Where is my shitty-"


"How dare you call me like that?!" I turned to look at my sister. She's still beautiful with those wrinkles on her face, THE KIM FAMILY.

"Hehe, took you long." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Btw, I saw Jihyo's car coming here."

*a horn sound*

"Speaking of which, she's here."

My eyes widened and grabbed my son forcefully who was playing games on the computer.

"What was that?!" Hansung complained.

I threw a remote on the light switch and it was dark.

Then the door opened.

"Tae! I'm home!" Jihyo shouted and nobody replied to her.

"Sunmi, where's your dad?" Jihyo asked.

"I don't know. I called him a while ago and-"


We all suprised her and she was shocked.


"Happy Birthday." I said to Jihyo and got closer. I kissed her forehead and dragged her to the food I made.

"I can't believe you did this." She said and I smiled at her.

We all sat down and ate. All of this happened because of Instagram.


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