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*Sort of a part one but im making it 2 chapters*

Hearts beat fast. Eyes connected then disconnected with unsure feelings but only two were perfectly calm.

And it wasn't Taehyung or Jungkook.

"Relax guys. You will make it through this I promise," Namjoon reassured putting a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yeah, everyone will love you," Jin chimed in putting his own hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

Both boys nodded and looked at their manager who was still confused as to what was going on. Yoongi sent a casual thumbs up to the man who would be controlling todays plans.

"Go!" The manager yelled and the boys ran on stage, the crowd erupted making Jungkook feel a little bad for delivering this instead of an actual concert.

"At least do the opening..." He whispered and the boys nodded, Namjoon typed something on his phone and the music played.


After the song was over the boys stood side by side in a line waiting for the crowd to die down. Once they did Jungkook lifted his microphone up but Namjoon beat him to it.

"Army... We've got something special tonight. Our band has gone under attack." He stopped and let the crowd yell a little then Jin jumped in.

"Most of you are okay with this I know it," Jin lowered his microphone and spoke with Taehyung and Jungkook, "Just outright say it." He whispered then continued to speak.

"Would all of you support us no matter what?" Jin yelled and earned agreeing screams in return.

Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged glances than stepped up to both be in the middle of the stage. Namjoon and Jin accompanied them on each side.

"Army..." Jungkook began but couldn't finish his sentence, the crowd ushered him on but Taehyung raised his hand silencing the whole area.

Jungkook turned around realizing Yoongi and Jhope had disappeared, looking closer he saw them struggling to keep away the manager as the body guard stood confused as to who to protect.

When Jungkook looked back, he was unable to even take a breath before Taehyung had him wrapped in his arms and their lips connected.

The crowd erupted and this time a chant broke out, starting small then echoing throughout the building.


All of the boys stood shocked, Taehyung released Jungkook only holding his hand as they watched in amazement. Jungkook began crying happily and looked around the crowd, while his eyes scanned around they met Tae's who had begun crying too.

They hugged each other like their life depended on it and very quietly Jungkook whispered,

"I'm saved..."

Sacrifice (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now