~Excerpt from a Herobrine fanfic I'm writing~

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Hey guys! I've been writing this Herobrine fanfic for a while now. It's a reversed universe where Notch is evil and Herobrine is good, but they still play their usual roles. Here's an excerpt from it, when Cobalt (An Enderman and Herobrine's first friend) and Swift (the main female protagonist) are going to break Herobrine out of Notch's dungeons.

Hope you guys enjoy!


"Cobalt?" I whispered. "Are you scared?"

"Just a bit," he replied, his purple eyes lighting up the area around us. I drop of cold water landed on my forehead, and I flinched.

We were in a narrow mineshaft that hadn't been used in ages. We believed it led underneath Notch's home, and that we could break into where Herobrine was being held imprisoned by taking it. We planned to then give a signal from there with a small firework rocket I had in my inventory to let our army know when to attack. But the conditions of the secret passage were quite unfavorable.

"You know what?" I said as I walked into an old cobweb. "I think I would rather risk my life sneaking around on the surface than be in here."

Cobalt turned towards me. "I never really understood humans and their obsession with daylight."

"No, it's not that, it's the fact that it's- well... disgusting down here. And in case you haven't noticed, I am half wolf. I enjoy the nighttime as much as any hostile mob."

"But not caves?"

"No! They're filthy and... and..." I searched my mind for the word I needed. "Dark."

"But isn't the night dark too?" Cobalt replied.

"Not like a cave. The night has stars and the moon to light it up, but caves are just pitch black, almost like The Void."

"Have you ever even been to The Void?" Cobalt said with a smile. "How do you know what it looks like?"

"There are rumors about it. I've heard it's so dark you can't even see your own hands when they're right in front of you." I hesitated. "Wasn't that a stupid thing to ask?"

"What? My question?"

"Yeah," I began. "If I had ever been to The Void, I would be dead. So I'm living proof that I've never been there, right?"

Cobalt sighed. "It was a rhetorical question, Swift."

I flashed him a smile. "Whatever."

We walked on in silence for a while, Cobalt's eyes providing just enough light for me to see, although only a few meters in front of me.

"The rumors are wrong, by the way," Cobalt said, startling me. "About The Void."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice sounding strangely loud after the long period of quiet.

"It isn't really that dark," he continued. "There's light, but... It looks black all around you. It's actually really weird. It's like there are invisible torches everywhere."

"How would you know? Have you been there?"

"Yes, I actually have," he said smugly. "But only for a few seconds. Teleportation is hard to do over long distances, so I couldn't let myself fall too far."

My eyes widened. "Wow..." I said. "What did it feel like? Was there air?"

"Very little. It got harder and harder to breathe as I fell further down. And it felt kind of strange... Almost as if there were weak pistons on all sides of me feebly trying to crush me."

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