She's awake

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I walked out the police station as a familiar Girl was stood outside.

" I thought you'd be here" Lauren turned around to me

" I had to know the truth Lauren" I spoke

" Ethan doesn't tell the truth he tells riddles that you have to figure out. That's just who he is. He's just as manipulative as my dad..." She sighed

" Lauren i'm....i'm so sorry...i don't know what you've been going though i bet it must be hard" I spoke facing her

" Thankyou Jack....throughout this cloud of mist you're like my wonder Steph loves you..." She almost whispered before i suddenly felt her lips on mine for a moment as i pulled away.

" Lauren?" I asked looking confused

" I-I'm sorry Jack...." She blurted out rushing into the police station as i followed her with my eyes before shaking my head. I walked back to the apartment in a muddle. The whole morning of events had crushed my brain as i flopped onto the sofa.

" Jack? Jack what is it? What's happened?" Mikey rushed over as he sat opposite me on the coffee table

" I went to see....Ethan" I spoke emotionless

" Oh no you didn't... Jack why? you didn't need to see him. He's trouble " Mikey sighed

" And...." I sighed

" And?" Mikey looked worried

" Lauren...she kissed me" I spoke as a smash sound came from behind me as i turned around to see Brook had dropped his plate as it smashed shattering across the floor while his face hard to read was starring at me.

" She kissed you?!" Brook repeated me as i nodded before he walked out slamming the door

" BROOK!" I shouted too late as i brought my knees up to my chest curling up as tears fell

" I just want some good news Mikey....just anything " I sobbed as he comforted me sitting next to me on the sofa

Hour later
I woke up on the sofa as i felt a vibration on my chest as my phone was buzzing, i picked it up and read the screen....unknown number.

J- Hello?
U- Hello is this Jack?
J- Yes i'm Jack who's this?
U- Steph's mum darling she's awake and wants you...hurry love.
J- I'll be as quick as i can thankyou

*I ended the phone call and jumped up*

" Woah Tigger what's the rush" Andy laughed

" Steph's awake!" a massive Smile grew on my face like never before as Andy ran towards the front door with me

" The hospital here we come!" Andy smiled as he drove us to the hospital as a mixture of emotions filled my body. We walked through the entrance and walked around to where Steph's room is as Andy turns to me

" I'll let you have some time" Andy smiled before i hugged him as i opened the door to see Steph and her mum

" Hey Hun " Steph's mum smiled and hugged me

" Steph i'll just go get you some more clothes from home, looking into that physio chair you need some more " She smiled kissing her on the forehead and leaves the room

" Hey you're looking beautiful" I smiled as i held her hand

" I look dreadful don't lie Jack" Steph laughed lightly

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