Its a....

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A few weeks later
Steph's pov
Jack was finally home and today was the day that we find out what the gender of our baby is. I could already tell Jack was excited just from the way he woke up, bright and early...for a change. He made us both breakfast before we then ate away chatting to each other about our guesses as Lauren and my mum soon arrived downstairs as they both joined us at the table having their guesses too. Everyone was so excited.

" So what time is your appointment?" Lauren asked as i felt my phone vibrating in my dressing gown pocket

" err lunchtime i think, i just need to take this call hold on" I smiled fakely fast walking into the livingroom

S- Ethan what do you want
E- The baby gone please
S- Shut up! This is my baby and my choice you can't say or do anything about it
E- Oh i warned you before just wait and see princess *laughs*
S- I'm not waiting around for you anymore. I'm done Ethan...Done!

*ends the call as i sigh and flop down slightly shaking and soon enough. arms wrap around me*

" Whoever that was just ignore them babe you've got this...we've got this" Jack spoke calmly holding the bump slightly as i smiled a little placing my hand on top of his before looking up as we kissed. Ethan can't ruin my life forever it's time to start cutting him out my life which is something i should of done a long time ago....

" thankyou " I smiled towards jack as he smiled back and then we both made our way back upstairs to the top of the house where my bedroom was to get showered and dressed ready for the scan that was approaching...

" You ready?" Jack smile beamed across the room as i walked out of the bathroom from doing my makeup

" Yes i'm ready" I smiled as we both made our way downstairs

" Goodluck!" Lauren shouted from the livingroom as we thanked her before leaving the house and getting into Jacks car. I slid down into the seat slightly nervous as i tapped away on the plastic handle on the door

" Babe don't be nervous. We're going to be alright i promise " Jack smiled reassuring me as i smiled back trying to consentrate on the radio playing some songs instead of Ethan's threat wirling around my head...the journey to the hospital wasn't long and soon enough we were both getting out Jacks car and walking towards the entrance as i could tell Jack was getting nervous now due to the slightly tighter grip he had onto my hand as we entered the building walking up to reception before we got sent to the waiting room joining the rest of the families which there weren't many waiting.

" what are you expecting my loves " An old woman opposite us smiled as i remember her from the plane journey me and lauren had to get to england as my heart warmthed a little smiling back at her

" we don't know yet that's what we're here to find out " Jack smiled as i did

" ooh well goodluck i hope everything goes well" She smiled before getting up and walking to the reception desk as i sat back smiling

" what?" Jack smiled looking at me

" I sat next to her on the plane going to my first roadtrip concert" I chucked as Jack did

" we need to stop bumping into each other like this aye" He laughed nudging me slightly as i carried on laughing before our names were called

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