omfg, he's a god❤️

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He looked so hot, his tight boxer shorts and shirtless. Oh, he looked godlike.

"Liam!" I snap out of my daydream to have Mrs

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"Liam!" I snap out of my daydream to have Mrs.Finch shouting at me. Oh shit, I was daydreaming about Theo. I knew I shouldn't have walked into the gym this morning. I could smell him but I still decided to go. I started to do some exercises. I snap out of the memory and start looking at the board. Oh, I really hate biology.

One period later

"Hey Liam," Mason says walking up to me.
"Hey Mase" I look across the hall to see Theo talking to some girl, she's a year below us as Theo rejoined the school as a senior with me. Theo looks at me, he smirks and winks at me.
"Dude! What the hell was that? Theo Raeken just winked at you, the literal devil winked at you. He's staring at you just now. Oh shit... I just realised he can hear me. Hey Theo, we are definitely talking about another guy called Theo Raeken" Mason said as quick as he could, I hear Theo chuckle at Mason acknowledgement of him having supernatural hearing, he walks to class as the bell goes. Theo and I have English together so we walk in the same direction but then I walk past the supply cupboard and someone pulls me in then I feel a pair of warm lips against mine. Their hands are on my waist, I open my eyes to see Theo. I wrap my arms around his neck, he pulls back and smiles. "I really like you, Liam," He says.
"I really like you too Theo" I reply. He smiles and pecks my lips.
"Oh and by the way I saw you staring at me in the gym," He says smirking.
"You can't blame me, have you seen your body. Like seriously what is up with your shoulders and abs. They are so hot, I think I might have a shoulder fetish, that's really weird isn't it" I ramble. I rub his shoulders.
"It's not weird, it's pretty hot" he whispers into my ear, he bites my ear and drags his teeth which are now fangs down my neck. I moan into it.
"Liam! Where are you? Schools over, the GPS on your phone says your here." Mason shouts, Theo and I jump at his loud obnoxious voice and walk out. "Well done bro, getting some hot stuff," Mason says as I growl at him. "Easy puppy" Theo whispers in my ear. I smile at the nickname, it's cute.
"Well, you better get to lacrosse practice before coach kills you," Theo says and I run, realising the time. I hear the two of them chuckling as coach yells at me for being late again.
"Seriously Dunbar, second time this week!" Coach yells again and I get started on drills. I see Theo and mason sit, they watch me play until practice finishes and we leave with Corey for dinner. Theo kisses my head before we leave the dinner and drops us home, he drops me home last and kisses me hard. My mum walks out coughing and our faces go red. "Em. Goodbye Liam, see you tomorrow and sorry Mrs Geyer " Theo apologises and runs to his truck falling in the process. I walk inside and my mum pesters me with questions before I walk into my room and fall asleep.

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