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Scared of your ex-lover,

cause you never let them go,

turn a blind eye when he's playing in the snow,

Look him in the eye,

and he's finally happy

It's a cold, winters morning in October. Snow was said to have started to fall nearer the end of the month but it started on the 19th.

Large falls of snow making it difficult for traffic to get through. Meaning no one was able to get to work or school.

Liam Dunbar was happy because it was snowing and he had no school. A few classmates had messaged him saying to meet them at a park but they also warned him of his ex, Theo being there.

He and Theo only broke up because of Theo's parents. They found them kissing one night and went mad about it. It broke the two but they knew it was for the best.

As Liam walks to the park, he spots Theo in the snow. Laughing at some joke Corey made. He saw Mason and went up to see him, they sat and both chatted over the snow coming so early.

Liam then feels a thrust of ice-cold snow hit his cheek. He turns and sees a smirk on Corey's face, Theo's blushing and Liam picks up a hand full of snow and chucks it at Corey, signalling a snowball fight between the two pairs. Mason finally joins in on the fight and throws one at Theo.

The four keep throwing snow until Theo trips and lands on Liam. They're both laughing, both happy. "sorry" Theo says, looking in the younger boys ocean blue eyes. "it's okay" Liam whispers but neither make an effort to move.

Snow starts to fall heavily, the boys run to the closest house which is Coreys. Luckily his parents aren't home so they have the house to themselves. They sit on the couch with large duvets, blankets and whatever they can find to keep them warm. Corey and Mason are probably the warmest as they are laying together. "Mason and I are gonna head up to my bed, got a thick duvet that'll keep us both warm"Corey says, running upstairs with Mason. Leaving Theo and Liam alone.

"Do you mind if we sit closer? it's freezing" Theo asks. Liam nods and Theo moves next to him. They both get comfortable under the pile of blankets. Liam leans his head on Theo's shoulder.

"How have you been?" Liam asks. "I've been okay, parents are leaving for a busy trip for a few months, maybe even years depending on the outcome on this big meeting, Theo says, looking down at Liam. "How about you?" Theo asks. "Been okay, Brett's been helping the team out with lacrosse but only cause of Nolan. It's actually pretty cute" Liam says. "Wow, never thought Brett would be head over heels for anyone" Theo laughs and Liam does as well.

"I'm sorry Liam, for the way we ended," Theo says, sadly looking at his ex. "It's okay Theo, it wasn't your fault," Liam looks at Theo, he never stopped loving Theo. Who could stop loving him? especially after everything he has done for him.

"I never stopped loving you," Theo says with tears in his eyes. "I never stopped loving you either" Liam looks into the emerald eyes, he leans forward and kisses Theo. Theo kisses back, They pull away, looking into each other's eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend..again?" Theo asks. "Of course," Liam says, smiling and kissing each other again.

Okay, sorry. I haven't updated in ages. Been going through a lot but I will try to more.


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