I mean have you looked at youself?

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Title: I mean have you looked at yourself?


" So your Daisy Long?" I ask the pink hair girl. She nods partiality then tip her head to the side with a scrunched nose. " What?" Her whole appearance leaves me off and...unsatisfied. She has cat winged eye liner with bright pink blush and purple lipstick, how does she have a four year experience?

" Well no." She stuffs her polished hands into her VERY short shorts. " Thats my mom, I'm Stacy Long." She gives me a bright smile attempting to lighten the mood, but dosnt.

" But on the profile it says Daisy Long, 42, and 4 year experience." I take out my phone ready to show her evidence. She rolls her green eyes and i get even more frustrated.

" Yeah that's my mom. I came because i need the money and shes sick. So i pressed yes for her." She takes one pale hand out of the pocket and plays with a pink strand. " I'm 16 and i have.....6 week experience." She has this confident aura and its just making me angrier.

" 6 weeks?!" She just shrugs her shoulders and looks away from me.

" I am good with kids, Chill!" I look back at the playroom to see Bri being totally oblivious and playing barbies. She starts pushing them together and doing squeaky noises, of course kissing.

" Okay whatever, don't kill her." I slam the door and head straight for my purple toyota.


" You said twenty its been twenty five minutes!" Sady explains drunk. " I feel like i need to kill you."

" Sady are you drunk?!" She gives me this weird look and a wink. Jace comes behind her with a worried gaze.

" Accidentley, the fruit punch was spiked by my a*shole brother. Now my baby has to suffer a horrible hangover and its all my fault." He stares at his girlfriend pushing away the fallen hair strings.

" It wasn't your fault Jace, your brothers prank." I look around the doorway of Jaces house and see the den filled with tall muscled boys.

" Pretttttyyy" Sady takes a hand full of Jaces hair and twirls it around her fingers. " Jacieee i don't feel good, and you look yummmmy." Her face crashes onto his chest and he picks her up by the waist. " Ooh ride."

" I gotta take care of her, Ryan's in the den." I look back at the rowdy teens and spot him. Hes wearing khakis and his basketball jersey. His muscled pecks are sticking out from the thin fabric of the jersey. Hes a muchacha thats for sure. I stroll into the carpeted room and a humid wave hits me.

" Yo Jess thanks coming to the game!" Marissas cousin shouts. I give a short wave and a fake smile, it was for you dumbo.

" Yo guys wears the drinks?" I try to act cool but i am to stiff and nervous to mark it.

" At the kitchen but  McCabe's bro spiked the punch and his girl is drunk af." I already know that sherlock.

" Yeah Jace told me anything else?" Two of the boys put there fingers to there chin ' Thinking '. Thats when i turn my attention to Ryan. He takes a swing of a beer and an idea hits me. " Where you get that...uh" i pretend to not know his name. I turn my head to his back side 'Looking' for his number. " 15?"

" You mean this?" He puts up his beer and i nod. " The fridge." He takes another swing and winks towards me, my zoo multiplies. " But its pretty powerful so if your anything like your friend, don't." He shakes his head with a serious grim.

" Umm I think i can take it." I have no history with achaoal at all but its...Ryan. Just when i think i can actaully have a converstain with Ryan Sady and Jace come storming in.

" She threw up i can't take her home like this, tell your mom that shes at your house. Shes staying with me tonight." I laugh at the memory of Sadys mom telling me its my duty to get Sady laid by Jace before college, oh memorys.

" Should wouldn't care if you guys stayed the nite togther, she would actaully have a parade." I shrug my shoulders. Jace is holding a sleeping Sady baby style and its the cutest thing ever. She is resting her head on his chest while he contantley pecks her head with sweet kisses.

" Dude chill out shes not leaving you anytime soon you don't need to keep on kissing her!" Blake shouts. " You guys will probeley grow old and die together by the way you each treat eachother." He rolls his eyes trying to mask the jealousy.

" Looks like someones jealous." Jace coo's. He lifts Drooling Sady higher up so she drops her head placement on his shoulder.

" Why would i be jelaous of her?!" He chuckles. " Shes ugly Af." Ooh he did not just say that. I get ready to pounce on Blake but Jace already has a hold. He safely dropped Sady on the coach and Sprinted to his friend. He took him by the collar and i stood closer to the boys to get a better watch on the show. I bump into someone and he drops a leather bracelet behind me.

" Sorry." I whisper. I turn around only to see a concentrated Ryan staring down at the bracelet. I squat down ready to pick it up for him and he does the same. We stay at eye leval and his minty breath fans my face. Hes close. Ryan Rock is close. I pick up the leather craved bracelet and his fingers brush me. " Here." I give it back to him with a bright smile.

" Just don't do it again Plum." He snatches the bracelet an stands up with a swift.

" Plum?" My voice breaks. I clear my throat and try to ignore the embarrassment. " Plum?" I success the second try. 

" Yeah your plum, well thats what we just call you. What's your name?" What a great start! He dos'nt even know my name!

" Star. Jess Star." And that ladies and gentlemen is why i am not a comedian. I dreadfully failed the James Bond. He lets out a stiff laugh and i feel the embarrassment ease away. " So why Plum?"

He sucks in his lips and tilts his head to the side letting the brunette strands flop to the right. " I dont know you just look like a plum i guess. I mean have you looked at yourself?" He points me to me and i am rather confused.

" Is that supposed to be a insult?" I raise my eye brow. He raises his hands defensively and shakes his head. " Nah not a insult but not a compliment."

He starts talking about how he stole the ball the last game but i can see his lips moving but not exactley listen.   When he moves his hands to explain himself thats when i know its my time to fo something. " Yup." I mutter still staring at his dry lips.

" What? I wasn't talking to you." He looks at me rather annoyed and my cheeks heat up.

" Oh sorry." I look around trying to find Sady or anyone i can talk to. Sady is awake but looks like the walking dead. She's in a akward postion on the coach half asleep and playing with her fingers, bored. I watch her like a comedy show till Jace turns from his boy talk and whispers something into his girlfriends ear. She nods and suffers to crawl up. She almost face plants but Charlie gives her a hand. She starts to stumble out of the den right after she caressesd Jaces stumbled jaw. She makes weird faces to herself as she walks out and i just laugh, what is wrong with my best friend?

I get up from my uncomfortable seat and try to catch up with her. " Hey" i start.

She turns her head towards me and nods. " Fun nite?" She slurs. I shrug my shoulders.

" You my freind need a drink. I need a nap." I giggle at her new drunkness while she just keeps bunking.

" I am going to get you a man its unhealthy not to have one. I heard its an excellent diet for your heart."

" I'm trying Sady I'm trying."
She slams her head back and groans.

" You haven't had a BF since Miachal Jess!"

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