Blooming Feelings

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---Chapter 5---
The milkshake was undeniably sweet, just the way I like it. I look up, taking a break from sipping the shake, and saw Chris staring at me. I coughed and said "Why are you looking at me funny?" He shrugged and I continued to say "I never knew you had an older sister before!"
"I'm not that close with my family but the only person I'm ever closest with is my older sister"he replied in a sign.
As I continue to sip my milkshake, Rose came up to us and said "Hey,I get off work soon, do you two lovebirds want to chill at my pla...." her voice trailed off as Chris began to get up from his seat. Before I could say that Chris and I won't a couple, Chris had dragged his older sister to a corner behind the cash registers, far form our table. I tried not to pay it any mind to their conversation because, for all I know it could be family drama. Then thinking of family made me miss my mom and Teria.

The conversation lasted a few minutes and then Chris came to our table and asked for the receipt from his sister and she nodded and proceeded like it was normal. I rubbed my eyes quickly and pretended to yawn as if yawning made my eyes tear.
Chris didn't ask why I was crying and I signed a sign of relief and I asked Chris why he had to do that in public and he shrugged while saying the answer I expected him to say, which was a shrug of the shoulders and "Family things" what I didn't expect were the words "also Rose invited us to crash at her place." I was kinda bummed out because I was really wanting us to go back to the cave to be alone, just the two of us. On the other hand I was excited to not be sleeping under a cold, pitch black cave for the night.

Rose came back with the receipt and we all hoped on to Rose's slick black, silver gothic rimed minivan and drove to her house.

All throughout the drive my mind kept on thinking if I'll ever find Teria, if I should ask Rose for her help on my quest, weather or not these butterfly feelings I have every single time I'm with Chris will go away or not, what the talk back there was all about and if life could just go back to the way it was again. With this I slowly drifted off to sleep on Chris's shoulder as we drove towards Rose's suite on this gothic universe's parody of a sunset.
~*5.5*The Convention ~

Rose:"What's up? Why did you pull me to this corner, she's going to get suspicious and question weather or not we are reliable or not!"

Chris:"Since when are you the younger, worry type?...You know the girl that Father use to tell us about in his stories when we were young?"

Rose: "Yea, the girl with a jaw necklace who can travel between our universe and her own universe."

Chris: "I think Claire might be that girl..."

-Rose is silent and has a worried look on her face-
"That girl is just a fairytale, also if she was real then Father would have tried to kill her...."

Chris is silent, "I know all too well what Father is going to do to Claire, but I want the fairytale girl to be her and the fairytale girl to be true, I want to show her I can protect her...even if she doesn't know it yet, I'll keep my feelings for her locked inside myself for now, until the time is right."
"I just want to keep her safe from Father, for as long as I keep breathing."
Chris: "I'll hold on to that thought Rose, I'll take her back to the castle in two days for the Blood Ball. But I have to warn you, last time we were there, Father sent a herd of undead at her, so it shows me that the fairytale girl might be real and that it's her."

Rose:"If she does turn out to be what you think she is, how is going to the Blood Ball going to solve anything?"

Chris:"Why am I the younger one, the Blood Ball is where the fairytale girl gets her powers awakened and choose to stay in this universe or to keep her powers, thus shortening the time we have on this universe to make we immortal."

Rose:"Oh! I get it, so by doing so, if Claire is the fairytale girl, she can activate her powers during the Blood Ball!"

Chris: "Yes!" "Now the problem is that I don't know weather or not she has a jade necklace, if she is the girl or if she is down to go to a ball with me in the first place!"

Rose:"Its in 5 months, there sure is time to ask her and to do all the hinges you just said." "But I just worry about both of your safety and if she is willing too or not."

Chris:"Yea, lets not talk too detail now, she's staring to get suspicious of us if we just stand here, we'll talk some more tonight. Also speaking of tonight, we need a place to stay other than a cave."

Rose:"You guys can crash at my place."

Chris:"Thanks sis, what are family for!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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