The Dreaming Sleep

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There are nights where I cannot sleep. The endless darkness expanding in my room, not ever knowing what is really there; what is seeming like shadow people are possibly things of my imagination. During the day, I sleep all I want, even though the sun is shining brightly through the windows of my room, lighting all the furniture and picture frames of days long gone hanging on the wall. When I do sleep, my dreams seem to tell me something yet I cannot remember most of what happened or I do not understand it. I always wake up tired, feeling lonely, hopeless, depressed, wondering if everything is worth living for, or as if I have just missed something... Something very important... One of the dreams I had.. I remember it clearly; I wake up lying face up looking at the many different shades of grey sky in the center of a battlefield. There were people killing other people, loud gunfire echoing over yonder, exploding bombs and grenades, soldiers yelling commands, screaming dying people, monsters thunderously roaring in the distance. I sat up, frightened, I look around and it felt hard to breath because of all the ash, smoke, and dust.

On my knees and hands looking in all directions as if I'm looking for somebody or something, wanting to hide from this. Taking the effort to get up, I started to walk slowly, my legs weak and trembling underneath my weight, speeding up to find what I'm looking for. While running, it starts to rain lightly hearing quiet thunder in the distance, tripping over lifeless corpses, running past the people that were torn apart screaming for me to help them but it was already too late to turn back to assist them, losing my balance in the mud and falling; taking in all the warfare, knowing I must keep going I get up then keep going as grenades explode everywhere around me. After just a few miles away, it starts to rain heavy, I stop to catch my breath and look around seeing soldiers being ripped apart, fighting for their lives, or fleeing for what little life they have left while helping their fellow comrades even if they were dead or clinging onto what little life they had left. A soldier bumps into me in a hurried panic. I fall in a large mud puddle mixed with blood and ash watching him run for his life from this hell only to be picked up by a massive monster and ripped apart blood splattering everywhere falling with the rain, even across the majority of my fright filled body. I get on my hands and knees, and I start to stare at the muddy water as it clears and settles. I look at myself, my long black hair is covered in blood mixed with mud; my face with blood splatters here and there dripping, mud nearly covering the whole front side of my torso, tears falling from my beautiful black eyes that seemed to glitter even through this tragedy. A commanding soldier runs up to me and hugs me tight. Not able to react properly, I pull back to get a look at who he was then hug him as if I found relief that I have found him. He pulls back and looks to see if I have any scratches, minor, or major injuries. Other soldiers surround us with large weapons looking around for any enemies. The man picks me up; he starts to walk very quickly with his comrades. My heart starts to pound and my stomach feels like its twisting like a tornado on the barren prairie inside my body. A grenade explodes very close to us deafening every command and yell, a high pitch noise ringing hard in my ears, more tears falling from my face taking in the mass warfare and killing all around us; the soldiers start to fire their guns at hidden warriors in the distance beyond what little nature is left. He runs with me in his arms, I grab his uniform with my left hand, and my right hand goes around his back to hold on. I dig my face into his chest to hide from whatever is trying to attack us, hearing a deafening roar along with high pitched screeching approaching rapidly, thunderous footsteps shaking the earth, everyone's guns firing, soldiers yelling and screams of Death, flesh and bones being ripped into multi-millions of pieces, crunching bones in the hands and jaws of the large demons, explosions of bombs and grenades, hearing the screaming of more bombs falling from the skies as large heavy planes drop them close to us and landing barely doing any damage to the mighty fierce beings. I hold onto the man tightly, cover my face and ears, then every thing fades out and goes black...

Then a final loud agony, sorrow, panicked filled scream from full grown woman that seemed to echo for a few seconds then silence..

That's the last thing I remember well of my dream...

Lightning flashes, the thunder roaring over the horizon, rain pouring like a raging waterfall, darkness reaching the twilight sky, I suddenly wake in a house and a man is sleeping next to me. I stand up, silently wandering around the house. I find a tall mirror and see that I am now clean with clothes unrecognizable to myself but in a simple short silk nightgown that flowed with the slight breezes inside of the hallways coming from the rooms nearby. There was no blood, mud, or oily hair. My hearing okay and on point, nothing out of the ordinary. I stood there for a few minutes or what seemed like hours gathering all of my thoughts, wondering, thinking if that was just a dream or if it was all real...?

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