Secrets Revealed

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"Oh my gosh" I sighed heavily as I threw down my bag flopping onto my bed. This past week has been so boring. I got my lapyop taken away the disconnected my tv and when I get home from school I have to give them my phone.

I can't go over to sunnys house either.  It has been so boring that I ended up buying myself a diary and a book to keep myself occupied. So that is basically what I do all day.

After I finished all my homework I went downstairs to grab a snack. As I walked into the kitchen my brother was leaning on the counter. He gave me a silent wassup and I rolled my eyes walking out.

"Look Sophia I was upset ok. I'm sorry" He said running up behind me. I continued qalkng until he grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

"Ok listen. I had a twin sister and when we were your age we went to that annual party and she got drunk...and" He had tears in his eyes as he let me go

"And she was uh....raped and....killed..and..I didn't want that to happen to you to" By now he was crying and I've never seen him cry.

I hugged him letting him cry on my shoulder as he sobbed. I actually feel bad now cause I assumed he was being a buzz kill. He pulled away from me and looked walked upstairs to his room.

I bit my lip and walked back to the kitchen getting a glass of water chugging it down. I put the cup down and leaned on the counter closing my eyes. The door bell soon rang and I yelled a quick 'I'll get it' before opening the door.

As I opened the door my eyes widened and I quickly hid it with a nonchalant look. "May I help you?" I asked with a slight attitude. He raised his eyebrow as a smirk made its way to his face. " Is Darin here?" "Yeah he's in his room" We stood there for about a minute before he broke the silence "Are you going to show me yo his room?"

"Oh yeah sorry. Come on in. " I opened the door wider to let him in and we headed up the stairs. "Is this your room?" He pointed towards a mint green door and I nodded. Before I could take another step I was grabbed and pulled into my room. He shut the door and pushed my back against it.

"I know it was you that wrote the letter" My breath was caught in my throat as his hands rested on my hips and he pressed his body against mine. His breath tickled my neck causing me to shiver.

"How did you know" I managed to say through heavy breaths. "I have my ways" his lips brushed against my neck as he spoke. I bit my lip as his head snuggled into my neck.


We jumped apart and I hit my head against the door. I hissed in pain clutching the back of my head. "Sophia? Who was at the door?" My brother called from the other side of the door. I didn't even open my mouth to speak when Ashton cut me of by opening the door.

"Hey man" they did some foolish hand shake and Ashton walked away in the direction of Durins door. Durin gave me a icy glare before walking in the same direction as Ashton. I shook my head and closed leaning my back against it.  My was pounding because of the memories of all the events  happened not even an hour ago.

Did that really happen? Who told him I wrote the letter? I had a sister?  Why didn't they tell  me before?" so many questions ran through my head but I shook them off and got in my bed getting ready to take my usual nap.



Later that day

"Sophia get up" I was currently laid out across the couch watching tv. "No go play your xbox in your room" I waved him off. "No get up I called out here. Now move" He shoved me off the couch and I fell witb a loud thud hissing in pain as my skin made contact with the wood floor.

I got up giving him a glare and walked up to my room. Changing into some comfortable clothing I slipped into my bed falling into a dreamless sleep.

The Next Day

I woke up late rushing to get ready. I threw on a floral Top with dark jeans and nude flats. Grabbing my book bag I ran out the door not before grabbing a small snack. I literally ran to school and got there with enough time to get to my locker.

As I got there I bumped into someone and fell back. Hard. I let out a a squeal as I hit the floor. Groaning I began to help myself up when a pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me to my feet. "Im so sorry baby" he said worried. Giving him a small smile "Its fine"

I turned to walk away but was grabbed by my hand and pulled back. Aiden inspecred my arm before looking at me. "What happened" I opened my mouth to speak but was cut of.

"That wasn't there last night" I looked behind me to see Ashton standing there with a smirk on his face. Aiden looked mad and his face began to turn red "Excuse me" he looked between us in disgust and I realized we were causing a scene.

" Listen Aiden, Your thinking way far out. He didn't come to my house for me and its not like we did anything wr-" I was cut of yet again which was starting to irritate me.

"I could have swore I had you up against the door. And I bet if your brother didn't interrupt you would have let me have my way with you" If possible his smirk grew even wider and gasped erupted from the crowd forming around us.

"What the HELL SOPHIA" I could tell he was trying to stay calm  but he was failing. "Do NOT yell at me cause I don't know why in the world you're getting so mad. We aren't even dating for gods sake. Remember it was all an act." He looked at me hurt and sorrow taking over his face before he slipped through the parting crowd.

As I turned to face Ashton I saw a look of triumph on his face. He reached out for my hand and I slowly, and gently placed my hand in his. Looking back In the direction Aiden left I soon began to regret not following him. Am I making the right choice?

Before I had time to think about it I felt myself being pulled In the opposite direction. I soon gave in and walked away hand in hand with Ashton. Not before stealing a glance behind me and letting out a soft sigh.


yep I failed this chapter is a week not waiting till Wednesday any more ill post when I'm done because I planned out the next few chapters. xoxo PEACE!

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