Charles and Jean

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A/N - After watching Apocalypse, I wondered how Jean felt about her power, the darkness she felt inside her, that was unleashed. This conversation was born from that and also ties into last chapter a little.

"Come in Jean," Charles said, waiving the red headed telepath into his office. "Shut the door please."

Jean nervously shut the door, tentatively making her way across the room. She didn't realize that her uneasiness was projecting very loudly through her mind, deafening enough that Charles knew how the young mutant was feeling without even probing.

"Did I do something wrong Professor?"

"No my dear, you didn't," Charles said as he wheeled over to his desk, motioning Jean to the chairs in front of him. "Jean, I wanted to thank you again for your help in Cairo. You were very brave physically and mentally."

"I don't understand what happened to you. I know you asked for my help and told me to let go of my power. But what did I do? I never go into anyone's head, I swear Professor." Jean was wringing her hands, not making eye contact with Charles. She thought she had killed the Professor with her power.

The pain still resonated in his mind, feeling her dynamic power being unleashed on En Sabah Nur and his mental barriers being shattered. Charles was still rebuilding them days later.

"I know that Jean. Again, you did nothing wrong." He stopped for a moment, hoping she would look at him. When she didn't, he added, "I just couldn't fight him alone."

That got the young mutants attention. Jean looked up from her hands to Charles, an look of disbelief flickering across her eyes.

"But you have the most powerful mind Professor! Why would you need me?"

Charles leaned forward, knowing he had to chose his words carefully. He was determined to keep his promise he had made to Logan all those years before. He wasn't going to let any harm come to the incredible young telepath while trying to help her harness her great power. And he wasn't going to let her do it alone.

"Jean, you remember me telling you how remarkable your mind is?" She nodded as Charles continued, "You have such great power. And I can tell you're sensing that, along with the darkness that is simmering inside. But we will work together to keep that darkness from emerging unless we need it."

Jean leaned back in her chair, relief flooding through her. She had been feeling the darkness trying to consume her for a while, the visions and nightmares that came progressively had been getting worse. She knew it scared the rest of the kids in the house. She'd been so scared to even tell the Professor of what was going on. But it sounded like he really understood what was happening inside her.

"I would appreciate that so much Professor. If it'll help keep me from hurting someone, I want to do whatever it takes."

Charles nodded, smiling as he moved to sit next to her. "We will work on this together, so that you won't hurt anyone. Just like the mental barriers we worked together to put in place in your mind, we can do with this darkness. If it's compartmentalized, then you'll never have to fear your power."

Jean sighed in relief as she said, "Thank you Professor, so much. When can we start?"

"You're very welcome my dear. We can start after your classes this afternoon if you'd like. Just come here to my office when you're ready."

She jumped up, taking Charles' hand and shaking it vigorously. "Yes! I'll be here!"

He smiled, sensing the renewed confidence in her mind. "Ok then Jean. You need to get to class. I'll see you later."

"See you later Professor," she said as she gathered her books and left the room.

Charles let out a sigh of relief as he watched Jean leave. He was so glad she was willing to work on keeping her powers controlled, able to be unlocked anytime she would need them. It would take some time, but he realized that once she had some barriers in place, the young telepath would stop having trouble sleeping and the nightmares that kept her awake would stop.

He glanced at his watch, seeing he had some time before his next class. Charles left his office, heading to the elevator. "Let's see if we can find you today, my friend," Charles said to himself as he made his way to Cerebro.

Conversation Can Shift the Direction Of Change (X-Men Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now