Chapter 1

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"Hello fascination! Whoa whoa oh oh hello fascination," I sang not being able to help myself. He was asleep on the bed while I lay on the floor listening to Pandora. Breathe Carolina radio, of course.

"Oops." I say quietly as I get up to see if he's awakened.

His gigantic, innocent, brown eyes look at me up from the scarlet covers.

"Sorry, love." I whispered.

"Why are you apologizing?" His smooth and semi-deep voice asked.

"Haven't I woken you?" I looked at him confused. "Why else?"

"That's fine." He smiled a little, probably still in pain.

"Go back to sleep. I don't want to keep you up." I smiled back, pushing his raven hair behind his left ear.

"Stay with me." He tugged on my arm.

"Come on you need rest." I fought back.

He just looked at me with weak puppy dog eyes.

"Okay. Just this once." I giggle and smile as I just gave into the worst possible trap a girlfriend could ever fall into, ha.

He hesitates before giving me a weak half grin.

I pull the covers back, he winces as I shimmy myself into the empty space in the king post bed.

Pulling the red comforter over our bodies as I kiss his bottom lip. He shrugs his arm over my waist.





Ugh. Morning.

I try to sit up while keeping my eyes closed. Jack kept his arm around my waist the whole night not moving an inch.

"Look alive sunshine."

I open my dark green orbs to look at him. Jack has the biggest smile on his face. Oh his face. His huge brown eyes. Semi covered by wild and curly black hair. His batman tattoo on his bare left shoulder looking a bit swollen.

I made a tisking noise with my mouth and cheeks. "Aww, are you feeling okay?"

He looks at me questioningly. "As long as I'm looking at your face."

His eyes are still closed so he doesn't know that I look like sh*t right now.

I laugh.

"What's so funny," he asks while opening his eyes. "Did I say something."

"Of course, you are Jacky Adam Moore. Right?" I ask breaking out into more giggles. Whenever we were younger he would always get in trouble and it was funny because his mother would yell 'JACKY ADAM MOORE YOU GET YOUR A*S OVER HERE!' it always sounded so affectionate. So I adapted to Jack. Witch he certainly liked more than Jacky.

He laughs.

His back hurt last night and is usually very fragile and weak when he gets home from work. Jack is a digger. They dig graves and such.

He only took this job because we needed one that gave us the excuse to live directly beside a cemetery streight out of high school. I'm a teacher. Got my degree quick and easy online. And I now work at the local high school.

Jack got up after staring contently into my eyes. He went, took a shower and got dressed. Heading off to hell. Literally.

I love Jack. With all of my heart. He will always be mine and I his.

I get up, comb my black curls, brush my teeth, the usual. Then pull on some black skinnies and a white t shirt.

Kiss my man goodbye and hand him his lunch before watching him leave me for the day.

Just another day of art. Like every weekend.


AUTHORS NOTES ; ) Love2InfinitiesEnd

Okay there is probably about like two of you reading this so if you can vote those two people. I won't update until you do so. Lol jk jk I'll probably become bored and just want to post. Lol. So Ash if u out there help me with some serious issues in this story.

Song of the chapter?

Shadows- Red

You'd understand why it's this song in like the fourth chapter.

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