Day 1 pt. 2

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So, I was curious..

Ray: Wats in the bags?

Auntie Lisa was like

Lisa: Huh? Oh yea. I almost forgot. Some of the items in there got refrigerated food in them.

She then shouted to her kids and me..


Me and china helped AGAIN, but I assumed so would Fizz but he was textin away on his phone, and raven was reading some black hair magazine, and oh roc was still asleep, like knocked out sleep, lol. I was thinking to myself, why did aunt lisa say “yaw’ll come in here and help me put up these groceries,”when she was juss sittin on the couch by the door lookin pretty, I’m like ok???? What was THAT all about? My dad got tired of swattin flies and gave up. He threw the swatta on the floor next to the counter and near the fridge. Auntie Lisa turned her head towards the fridge and notice the swatta on the floor.

Lisa: U’ll yaw’ll got da fly swatta up on da kitchen flo, as she asked with a disgusted face

China replied loudly while draggin a heavy brown bag of groceries to the fridge

China: CUZ DEY GHETTO, hahaha

Lisa: Shoot, we ghetto too, but you ain’t gone fine no fly swatta on our kitchen flo that is straight up nasty.

Raven overheard her mama and agreed

Raven: I know thas rite 

As she turned the page of her black hair magazine she was reading.

Fizz: Word

Fizz still standin up and he know we gotta couch for him to sit on. But last time he was here he had his smelly feet all up on our couch and mama yelled at him for it, I couldn’t help but laugh he deserved it. So I guess now he juss either stands up or sits on the floor. As me and china are the only ones puttin up the groceries dad is in his favorite chair-his lazy boy and nobody and I mean NOBODY would ever dare to sit in his chair he lets everyone know that. As if I care, that chair is NOT all that  as I roll my eyes to myself. Aunt Lisa leans forward and starts textin. I groaned Ughhh my goodness why are these people straight textin utha people? Don’t they know dey gotta house filled of people of whom they could be talkin to I said to myself. I felt a hard tap on my shoulder. 

Ray: What the hell as I turned fast to see who it was 

I said Oh it was china she told me to snap back to reality and I blinked twice and continue to load more food into the fridge. When we were done me and china went to sit on the coach where roc was juss snoring as loud as a car engine. Me and china looked at each other and chuckled while roc was makin movements in his sleep while tryin to get comfortable and grabbed a pillow to hug and slowly stopped into a fetal position with a smile on his face. It was getting dark outside as I scratched my head and sniffed my hair, like it was a fresh box of crayons, but worse becuz it stunk.

Ray: Ewww my hair stinks. I need to get it washed.

Just then a car pulled up and I saw the headlights flashin in the window. I squinted and was thinking 

Ray: Who was that?

The car engine turned off and the door popped open. I heard the sound of keys jiggling then the car door had closed. The sound of heels were clickin towards the door and I was like I know that sound

Ray: Thas mama I mumbled under my breath

I was about to roll up outta my seat cuz I had JUST remembered that I was supposed to hav my room clean bout time she got home too late for dat now I thought. Anywayz I was about to get up and open the door, but aunt lisa took cared of that.

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