The Assasin's start

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Both: Welcome back
Rin: Time for the next bit of info before the true story begins
Zuska: Naturally this will be....... *grunts as he gets up from a pile of rubble from being thrown through 6 rooms* that was uncalled for Loli!
Rin: who are you fucking calling a loli, Dobe? Anyway, we should get on with the story and no more trying to give the audience any hints got it?
Zuska: Hai hai, Baka

"Dodge, dodge, strike" Those words were running through my mind as I tried to defend myself against the grown men in front of me, of course, the rain wasn't helping my footing at all. Every time I go to strike I end up missing by a few centermeters but of course, it didn't help that I was still a kid. Not in that naive everything is all sunshine way but in the way my body has yet to start maturing way.

"Come on gaki, sit still!" asshole one growled as he swung his knife in my direction. I continued to dodge it as I made my way deeper into the alley.

~le time pause~
Probably wondering who I am, my name is Yuki Rin, I only know my mother's maiden name, so that's the name I took.  My mother died in childbirth and my father? I have no idea where he is or even if he's still alive. Your probably wondering where I am as well.  Well I'll tell ya that living in the slums of Amegakure is never easy. After all, surviving against full grown men who'll try to stab ya before you can get your rations can be rather annoying.
~le time play, now back to your regular programming~

"Come on sweetheart, we promise to make your last few hours..... very pleasurable." Asshole number two purred out as they both moved closer to me.

"Tch, I'd rather gouge my own eyes out." I say calmly as I keep my body in its defensive stance, subtly looking around for a weapon to use against them. I finally noticed a wooden pole, about 6" in height, it could work.

When asshole number 1 tries to grab me I dodge underneath his arms and around asshole number 2 before picking up the pole and using it to hit asshole one in the stomach sending him flying. Asshole 2 gets closer, that twisted smirk on his face letting me now what he already plans to do to me.

I place my left foot behind my right as I take a stance that is similar to one when they dance as I wait for them to make a move. Asshole 1 is out for the count I notice as I took in his painful groaning on the floor. So I focus on asshole 2, he charges at me, throwing out a left jab, I dodge only to run into his right fist as it collides with my stomach. The air is knocked out of me and I loose my grip on the pole. I go down on my knees and try to gasp in the air that was removed from my lungs, I could already tell that I would have a few bruised ribs.

That's when I noticed a glint of light. As my raven hair covers my face, Assole 2 doesn't see where I am looking. That glint of light was asshole 1's knife. I dash towards it before asshole 2 could do anything. Grabbing the blade, I swing it through the air and slice cleanly through his throat as blood sprays everywhere including on me.

I struggle to my feet, one hand wrapped around the knife, the other on my bruised ribs.
I hear slow clapping from behind me as I turn around. I see a Shinobi of Amegakure's assassins corps standing there. He was roughly around 6 ft with a pair of katanas strapped to his body (no it's not Deadpool people, even though I wish it was).
"You know I've never seen a gaki take out two Shinobi like that," he says chuckling as he starts walking closer, " it's pretty impressive, what's your name kid?"
"Why should I tell you?" I say, backing away the knife still in hand as my side throbs.

"Because I just may be your ticket out of the slums kid." He says as he stops moving.

"Tch, fine, only because I wanna get out of this hellhole, it Rin. Yuki Rin." I say reluctantly feeling as though I've sealed my fate.

~le time skip because the author is fucking lazy~
It's been eight years since I joined the Assassins Corps, I was now 18 years old and bored with what I was doing, so I decided to leave, I resigned from the corps and left Amegakure for Sunagakure, to get better control over my wind chakra.

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