The chance meeting

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Zuska: I'm back bitches \\\٩('^')۶////
Rin: Dude, I'm supposed to be announcing the next chapter
Zuska: oh are ya? Well this one is in my POV so suck it up buttercup, besides Loli, you did the first two, so this one is mine.
Rin growls before launching herself at Zuska with a knife.
~there are technical difficulties please stand by, and start reading the story~~~~~~~~~~

The sun shone through the gap in the curtains, irritated I got up knowing I wouldn't be getting any more sleep, I sigh as I go around doing everything I would normally do in the mornings, before heading out for patrolling the borders, I was a Jonin Shinobi for Sunagakure, I had of course risen through ranks quickly whilst still having difficulties hiding my kekkei genkai, but sometimes I can't believe it's been eight fucking years since the massacre, eight years since I last saw Konoha.

~le timeskip because nothing interesting happens, you can play music from here, also put it on loop it'll make it easier~

It was nearing the end of my patrol, so I decided to start drinking early, it's the reason I keep several bottles of sake hidden in a storage scroll.
But then again it wasn't only that, being stuck on patrol duty is boring and I've been itching for a fight. That's when I noticed a figure with a clasp cloak moving quickly towards the border.

Naturally curious and of course my senses itching for some bloodshed, I race to intercept the figure, getting closer I could tell that figure was lithe, he/she were sure of not only their surrounding but of their capabilities, heh this'll be fun.

"Yo~" I call casually I step in front of the figure I could now clearly see is a female. Heh this'll be too easy, I think to myself.

"Tch, what do ya want?" She asks, as she realizes she won't be able to get around me unless she beats me.

Wow she really seems weak! I think to myself.
"Oh nothing much, it's just been really boring on patrol and I find it interesting to see if we can spar, ne~ko-chan~" I say swaying slightly on my feet and patting her head after seeing her hood had fallen down. She growls at me before swatting my hand away.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Way. Dobe!" She snarls out as she takes on a more aggressive stance.
"No." Was all I said before I threw shuriken at her. She dodges two of them before removing the bo staff off her back and using it to deflect the remaining six.
She moves closer to me, running chakra through her staff, before swinging at me I barley manage to see a glimpse of metal as a blade appears out of the upper end of the stave.

"Fuck" I say as blood trickles down the right side of my face, she's fast, it'll be more fun than I thought.

We continue the game of cat and mouse until I manage to get in a hit with my war fan (think Uchiha Madara style) knocking off her mask, she moves back several steps and holds her bo staff out in front of her defensively. Blood trickle down past her left eyebrow from where I caught her with my war fan.

"Tch", before I know it, she's moving closer and before I can dodge she hits me in the stomach sending me flying back. I growl as I activate the sharingan. She eyes me curiously the same way I do her, she has chin length raven hair and her eyes indicate that she's part of the Hyuga clan, but there was something about her, like a dangerous aura that indicates if I tried anything I'd be seriously maimed...... she seemed so much like myself......... hmm she reminds me of something.~ oh well at least this one will put up more of a fight, compared to the last refugees that is I think to myself grinning widely.

She changes her stance and aims the bladed side of the bo staff low before she just about disappears, before I can move I'm hit in chin with the unbladed side of the staff before she swings it around and the bladed part goes straight for my stomach. I disappear in a cloud of smoke as I replace my self with a log. I stare out of my hiding place to see the log that I replaced myself with split, in two.

I go to attack her from behind but before I could get any closer to her she spins on her heel hitting me harder in the stomach with the staff making me drop to the ground gasping for breath as I start to feel myself sober up, I knew I wouldn't be wining against that.... that.... that damn Loli!
She starts walking away from me and towards the village, I struggle to my feet as I run at her again, I'd never admit defeat. She hears me coming and spins on her heel aiming a right hook at my face, the last thing I see as it all goes dark is the Loli walking away from me and towards the village, not even thinking of me as a threat.

~few hours later when he finally wakes up and with a black eye~

I groan as I realize that I was still on the floor outside of the village, I sit up as I run my hand through my blond hair, my eyes narrowed in anger, even as my head thrums with a hangovers headache.
When I get my hands on that Loli I'll fucking kill the bitch.

~POV switch my turn Dobe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked through the gates of Sunagakure, I had pulled my hood up a few meters from the gate and requested sanctuary in the village for a few days, they agreed but I had to relinquish my weapons, a smart move on their part. I didn't necessarily need them but they made me feel safer since I didn't have high chakra reserves.

After finding an inn I started to explore the market area. After a short while of walking through the area and taking in most of the boring stalls I bump into someone, it takes me a few seconds to realize that this was the dobe who I beat up just outside the village.

"Kuso, watch where your going, you damn loli!" He says obviously agitated he lost to a wome...... wait who the fuck is he calling a loli, I know I'm short but that's just taking it too far.

"Who the hell are ya calling a loli, dobe!" I say angrily, my hands twitching for weapons that weren't there.

"Wanna go again and this time I'm sober..." before I could respond to anything we were surrounded by other sand ninja.
"If you want to fight than you'll have to leave" idiot one said.
I looked at the dobe at the same time as he looked at me before we pounced and struck out at the other ninja with such a force that we already knocked out three before they could retaliate.
"Tch" it was such a pain to fight with out weapons but oh well it was going to be fun~.

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