Well, That happened.

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Rin: Guess whose back bitches (^.~)/
Zuska: ...... It's been a year and we're only updating now.... *Grabs a few bottles of sake*
Rin: shut the fuck up Dobe...
Zuska: let's just get on with the story .... ne~ko~chan
Rin:... YOU FUCKING BASTARD *Rin launches herself at zuska intent on breaking every bone in his body*
~we interrupt this scene just so you can read the story~

3rd pov
The smell of smoke and blood filled the air, bodies of Shinobi from sunagakura lay broken and scattered along the streets, two figures left standing; one wearing the same uniform as those who have fallen and the other, dressed in black with a clasp cloak and a full mask on her face.

The two face each other, blood lust clouding the air, before the man starts laughing, crazed eyes met the covered eyes of the women.
"You know, your interesting for a hyuga, I never thought one of your clan would ever join a different village, so tell me Loli, who are you exactly?"

She tilts her head to the side in confusion, "Hyuga? I'm not that fucking short... You're just too tall. The name is Yuki Rin, dobe and you are?" She moves the hood of her cloak higher, the metallic glint of her mask would send shivers down her victims spines.

He grins looking at his partner in crime closely, scrutinizing her movements for any sign of weakness. "It's zuska, Uchiha Zuska, remember that name, since I am the only one capable of bringing the Uchiha clan back to their former glory."

Rin stares blankly at Zuska through his monologue, incredibly unimpressed she starts walking away, grabbing her weapons and leaving the village and all the carnage the Duo had caused behind.

Her feet make no sound as she continues walking, after a few minutes another pair of footsteps catch up with her.
"Ya know, I still want that rematch, you only beat me cause I was drunk." Zuska says grinning at the raven haired women walking in front of him.

She sighs, looking back at Zuska, "You're just a Jounin, you don't have that much experience either, your powerful yes, but you lack control. You're just another power hungry dobe with no actual vision in mind for what he wants, just leave me alone."

He pauses for a few seconds before laughing again. "Power hungry you say?" He grins slyly, the crazed look returning to his eyes, " I'll agree with that but I have a vision of course, to rebuild the Uchiha clan and once done, to leave the Elemental countries quaking in fear, to show them the true strength of the Uchiha's."

Rin grins deviously under her mask before letting out a huff of laughter, "I think I've underestimated you, alright then, I'll give you that rematch, but do remember, don't complain when I knock you out again."

Zuska's grin becomes larger, bloodlust tainting the air around the two. They circle each other, two powerful predators with no fear; each looking for weakness, waiting for the other to make the first move.

~little interruption, you may wanna play the music for the following scene~

The air shifts around the two as they draw weapons, eyes taking in their opponents every move. Circling each other, Zuska moves first his hands moving quickly through the familiar signs of Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu, a great fireball blasting towards Rin. She grins as she disappears out of his view, a light mist appearing around the fighting duo. She appears directly in front of him swinging her Bo staff in an arc as she channels Chakra through it, the deadly blade appearing once more. She spins with the grace of a dancer each swing of the blade aiming for a weak point only to miss by a hairbredth as Zuska dodges, that insane glint in his eyes never fading as his smile grows wider.

Seconds turn into minutes, as the two continue their deadly dance, fire knocked away by wind and ice, blade blocked by fan, their skills equal yet at the same time more powerful than the other, they seperate once more, sweat drenching their bodies as the scorching sun beats down on them. Zuska moves his blonde hair out of his eyes, the Sharingan already activated, a soft growl of frustration leaving his lips as Rin simply removes her clasp cloak ,wearing nothing but a short sleeve shirt and a skirt underneath it, the Bo staff planted in the ground as she adjusts her mask, her eyes taking in everything around her, especially her opponent. Rin picks up her Bo staff once more before rushing her opponent, the familiar feel of adrenaline coursing through their veins.

The blistering heat forgotten by the thrill of battle, briefly they acknowledge the others strength and speed, the skill they possess, no longer was this a rematch, but an acceptance of an equal. Rin dodges a strike by Zuska's war fan, their dance having become more fun for the other, a play fight, nothing more than a gentle spar. Spinning her staff she strikes at Zuska cleanly slicing him across his chest, the first slice a warning, before the second could follow through zuska moves back, another fireball appearing, with not enough time to dodge Rin takes the hit head on, flying backwards, she twists her body midair to cushion her landing, pale eyes meet the blood red of the Sharingan, her mask implanted in the sand, the sun glinting off the metallic surface. The sands shift as the wind changes direction, the sound of pissed off sunagakura Shinobi echo in the distance.

"Hmph, your not that bad, Uchiha, you still lack discipline." Rin says smirking lightly before moving her raven locks put of her face.

Zuska grins at Rin, soft panting can be heard as he catches his breathe, "You ain't that bad either Loli, not surprised you Hyuga's have always been perfectionists."

Rin frowns looking at the man before her closely, "That's the second time you've called me that, I'm not a Hyuga or if I had any relation to them it would be through my non-existant father."

Zuska looks not only surprised but a little suspicious, "so you didn't come from Konoha?"
Rin rolls her eyes, "No, I grew up in Amegakure, more specifically I grew up on the streets, besides I don't see what Konoha has to do with anything."

Zuska looks at Rin, before a full blown laugh erupts from him, "Well than Loli, looks like this'll get interesting, but looks like our lone time is all used up." The sound of Shinobi rushing through the sands echoed in their ears.

Rin looks back and scowls, irritation taking over she replaces her mask and clasp cloak, "then let's get going Dobe, I can tell for a fact they won't take too kindly to you betraying them."

"Me? Betraying them? Ha, never trusted them to begin with." Zuska follows Rin as they ran through the sands and towards their freedom, towards the next border, what follows next... Well that's a good question, one to soon be answered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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