shot 2

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Sujata comes there calling swara... sujata looks at both: you again scold her...

Sanskar gives her what the hell look....

Swara: no mom... I am fine... chaliye...

She drags her out....

Sanskar looks at them with clenched fist...

Swara and sujata comes to kitchen... swara takes onion and starts to cut it.... She was still crying... sujata looks at her and turns her...

Sujata: what happened?

Swara wipes her tears: nothing... onion...

She tries to turn... sujata sighs and again turn then again asks calmly: what happened?

Swara looks at her then starts cry hugging her.... Sujata calmly brush her hair....

Swara: believe me I am not characterless... and I will not be like my mother... I wont...

Sujata breaks the hug and wipes her tears.... Sujata: I know.... Who said this.... I swear I will break this boy's neck...

Swara stops her...: mom.... Not sanskar...

Sujata narrows her eyes: he didn't scold you?

Swara looks down... sujata: tell me the matter swara...

Swara: laksh... he is very bad mom...

Swara starts cry... sujata understands the matter... and kiss her forehead... ragini enters that time....

Ragini: I can't believe chachi ji you can change colour so fast... like chameleon

Sujata looks at her for some time then chuckles: oh thank you so much ragini... but still I am in 2nd position... 1st is occupied by you na... so trying to compete you...

Ragini 1st become confused... sujata goes out dragging swara who is now giggling looking at her confused face... after their leaving ragini understands and fumes in anger...: you are so dead swara...

At dinner table...

Swara is sitting beside sanskar and was feeding him by spoon... all are sitting having dinner... beside her sujata is sitting... all are quite irritated with sujata's behaviour with swara... ap is most... then ragini... lash is throwing draggers at swara... he can't take it anymore he gets up banging the spoon on plate mumbling 'I am done'

Sujata looks at him then at his plate... then again at him who is looking at swara with rage fill eyes...

Sujata clears her throat: ahem ahem laksh...

Laksh shift his gaze to sujata...

Sujata: you are married with ragini right?

Laksh: hmmm...

All looks at her whats she trying to say...

Sujata: I know it was not type of typical marriage but the fact is you both are married... and its true... so you should be loyal to your wife... so concentrate on her... not on others

Swara's breath stuck... ragini is looking at swara with rage....

Ap: why are saying this to him sujata...

Sujata with a smile: nothing jiji just gives him free advice... he should concentrate on ragini...

Ragini gritted teeth: chachiji... we are happy...

Sujata sarcastically: oh really? That's good dear... so I can expect a small laksh or small ragini will come soon...

Ragini blushes... laksh rolls his eyes and looks at swara... here sanskar is continuously looking at laksh with ticked jaw....

LOVE?????? ... SWASAN TsWhere stories live. Discover now