epilogue 1

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she goes to sujata jumping: moommm you know... sanskar... kiiiiiii.....

She stops... thinking what she is saying...

Sujata: now what he did...

Swara looks up and sees sanskar laughing at her... she makes faces: nothing... you papa and uttara will also come with me please... I don't wanna live with your khadoos son all alone... kaya pata agar mujhe kha jaye...

Sanskar looks at her angrily... swara giggles...

Arnav comes and holds her by shoulder... swara looks at him with a bright smile and wraps his arm around him...he kisses his temple...

Arnav: how is my bachcha...

Swara: more than happy...

Dida: ai swaru... tu humko toh bhulei ga6is...( aye swaru... you have forgotten me)

Swara looks at her and sits beside her...: how can I forget my best friend... now how are you feeling?

Dida nodes while caressing her face with trembling hand... swara holds her palm and kisses there...

Dida looks at arnav: arnav beta...

Arnav: ji aunty...

Dida looks at him with anger: again aunty... call me ma... oh you can't even consider me as your ma...

Saying this she starts fake cry... swara looks at her papa: papa you make my best friend cry... I wont talk to you...

Arnav wides his eyes: sorry bachcha... ok ma... I am sorry...

Dida smiles; talk to sanskar... I told you while coming...

Swara: on which matter?

Swara asks confusingly... dida: I dreamt about your marriage from your childhood so I want that...

Swara protested: but I am already married... and I am happy with him...

Dida smiles and cares her face; I know... you will marry him only all over again ritually...

'I also want that only' sujata jump in the conversation and exclaims in joy...

Swara smiles shyly... dida: so we will take swara with us...

Sujata with grin : and I will come tomorrow with shagun...

Shekhar comes there: ok toh swara beta come...

Swara's face fell... she looks at arnav... and with a crying voice says: papa...

Arnav smiles at her and kiss her head: you will come with me only...

Swara squeals in joy... shomi comes forward: no... mr dasgupata you are forgetting she is my daughter...

This time swara shouts: no... I am not... I am my papa's daughter... you got what you wanted right... so now don't interfere in my life now...

Shomi shouts: swara.....( then looks at arnav) you snatch my daughter from me...

Arnav with a teary eyes: na sharmistha I didn't... you only snatched her from me long back... my daughter will now stay with me that's final...

He says with a firm voice... not wanting to loose his only happiness all over again... yes this time he will become selfish... this time he will keep swara with him... he can't hurt this innocent soul again and again... and when he had already seen how much love she is getting there after that if swara also wants then also he can't let her stay there

Swara nodes vigorously supporting him... shomi looks at dida; ma come you need rest...

Dida says with grin: yes abso;utely right mrs gadodia... arnav beta lets go... I will send invitation of my grand daughter's marriage... please come...

LOVE?????? ... SWASAN TsWhere stories live. Discover now