Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey gurls (and guys, that's cool,) long time, no read, right? I have no excuses. I'm lazy and a procrastinator, just like everyone else in the world.

Anyways, here's the first chapter of Lost!



~Kid's POV~

I trudged towards the Death Room with Liz and Patty in tow. Our footsteps echoed throughout the many corridors of my perfect school.

"Hey, Kid?" A childish voice asked me.

"Yes, Patty?" I inquired, shoving my hands into my front pockets.

"Why did your dad call us into his office?"

I close my eyes and sighed, halting our movements in front of the Death Room's door, "Y'know? I don't know myself." I opened the door, walking down the guillotine hallway.

"What if he's gonna kill us?!" Patty clung to my arm before performing random-and very asymmetrical-ninja poses as she walked and spoke, "Or maybe he's sending us as spies on a super secret mission?"

"Or maybe you can ask him yourself." Liz pointed out in a bored tone, nodding towards Death himself.

"HI LORD DEATH!" Patty cheered happily, waving her right hand frantically.

"Heya, hiya, Patty!" Father's cartoon like voice rang out, "Liz, Kiddo! Wazzup, Wazzup, Wazzup?!""

I sweat-dropped, hands still in my pockets, "Cut it out, Father. Why'd you call us down here, anyway?"

"Right," he replied, "You see, we're expecting a new student, but-"

"I'M HERE!" A female's voice rang out, causing my weapons and I to turn around. (A/N: Did anyone else read that while singing "bright eyes" after "turn around?") The girl sprinted until she stopped 8 feet in front of us, placing her hands on her bent knees to catch her breath. After a few seconds, her breathing slowed and she stood in an at the waist bow, "I'm so sorry I'm late, Lord Death. You see, I got lost and-"

"It's not a problem," Father spoke, "Now, stop bowing and introduce yourself."

With a curt nod, the girl stood tall. I froze, eyes wide and mouth agape at the girl in front of me. She looked at all of us, soon bursting into a fit of giggles.

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