Newtmas - I Can't Remember

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'The Death Cure' spoilers! Read at your own expense!

Ever since Newt was told he had the flare, he didn't want to believe it. There was a virus crawling through his veins, slowly making him crazy. Soon it would invade his brain and he wouldn't be able to stop himself from hurting his friends; from hurting Thomas.

"I have to get away from them," Newt whispered to himself.

~~~ (TDC Spoilers!)

"You still care about her, don't you?" Newt's voice was getting louder as he yelled at Thomas, who started to respond, before the other interrupted once more.

"Don't lie to me!" Newt shoved Thomas against the wall, his breaths coming out in huffs, fury in his eyes. As he came down from his high, he realized what he'd done, gaining back control of himself. He released Thomas' jacket, breathless.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He pushed himself out of the room as he mumbled, ashamed at what he'd done. The rest of the room stayed quiet.

He walked out onto the roof, sitting down on the edge, as a tear fell down his cheek. He wiped it away. He had to be strong for the others. The door behind him opened and closed, a pair of feet coming to stand behind him: Thomas.

"I'm sorry about that, back there." Thomas just looked down at him, nodding. He let out a heavy sigh. "I uh...I guess I can't hide this anymore." Newt's voice shook as he pulled up his right jacket sleeve, revealing his arm covered in green and purple veins. The first sign of the flare. Thomas' eyes filled with tears as he lowered, squatting next to Newt. (End of movie version)

"I was going to run away so you wouldn't have to worry about me but I haven't been able to." Newt told Thomas. The other boy moved himself to sitting next to the blonde.

"Newt, I will do whatever it takes to save you because you're my best friend. We've been through a lot together and I'm going to make sure that continues. Okay? I'm not going to let you turn into one of those things. I won't." Newt nodded but he was still trying to find a way to leave without Thomas or the others noticing. For now, he rested his head on Thomas' shoulder and looked out at the disease-ridden city, the sun shining down on his face.

Newt's POV

He was walking with two guys on a high wall around a foreign city. He didn't know where he was, just knew he needed to hurt someone. His body filled with rage and he grabbed the boy in front of his shoulder, squeezing it with all his strength. He wanted to hurt him; make him feel the pain he felt. He didn't know why but he didn't care. The boy turned and started speaking to him. He tried to tune him out, but he couldn't.

"Newt, listen to me. It's okay. Who am I?" He couldn't remember; It was at the back of his mind. "Who am I?" It took him a moment, but he remembered.

"T-Thomas. You're Thomas." Newt's rage died down and he realized what happened. "Sorry Tommy." The three continued walking, as Thomas hurt for his friend he couldn't even help.


Newt was deep in thought. He couldn't remember their names. His three friends who'd died in front of him.

"Hey." Thomas placed his hand on Newt's back, slowly moving it down to his friend's arm as he came around to face Newt, kneeling in front of him.

"I-I can't remember them, Tommy. I can't..." Newt's eyes filled with panic as they darted around the room. Thomas hated seeing Newt like this.

"Hey, it's okay. Just calm down. Now who?" He gave Newt's arm a reassuring squeeze.

"I...his name started with an A?" Newt closed his eyes, trying to picture the Glader in his head.

"Yeah, A-L..." Thomas said the first two letters as Newt tried to remember his leader's name.

"Al...Alan? Alby?" Thomas nodded, the same process repeating with Chuck and Winston (Newt calling Chuck, Chris and Winston, Wyatt), before getting it right. Newt hated forgetting the Gladers names, but the stupid shucking virus in his head wouldn't let him remember.


Newt had been a coward for so long; he just wanted that to stop. When he put the gun to his head, he knew that was it. He could finally die like he'd wanted since the maze. He could finally have peace. But Thomas knocked away the gun and as Newt turned, he could feel something inside him changing. He could feel his heart breaking.

Thomas was just trying to help him; trying to save him. He wanted to yell at Thomas to just leave him before he did something he'd regret. But he couldn't speak, tears falling down his face a mile a minute, and he couldn't stop them. He couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't, rage and sadness flooding through his body as he flickered between crank and reality.

"Please, Tommy." He let out cries as Thomas shook with exhaustion, finally tumbling to the ground under Newt's weight.

"No, Newt, we can still get you a cure. Just hold on." He was careful to watch Newt, afraid he would turn and hurt him.

"Thomas." No response. "Tommy..." He clutched onto Thomas' shirt and pulled him towards him.

"Newt?" Thomas waited for a hit or blow but none came. Instead, Newt slowly and gently brushed his lips against Thomas'. The kiss was soft and slow, filled with love and sadness and grief for everything that'd happened since they met. The two parted and lay there holding each other, waiting for the inevitable as everything demolished around them. As Newt sat there, with Thomas in his arms, he could feel himself slipping away. No, he thought; he couldn't lose himself now. Not during this last moment of peace. But he couldn't do anything about it.

"I...I love you, Tommy. I'm sorry." He got the words out with his last breath of sanity, a tear slipping down his cheek as his eyes turned cloudy and dark.

"I love you too, Newt. It's okay." He heard the sympathy escape from Thomas' lips, then everything changed with one last resounding blink.

The End

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