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just a quick remember before this short book ends,,

you're so beautiful and intelligent,, unique from everyone. you stand out like a bright star even if you are blind to it as of now.

one day you will look back in your life,, and be thankful for your shitty experiences.

because it shapes you in every single flawless way. no one is perfect. it's a fact. we all make mistakes. we all learn from them soon enough.

it's been a true pleasure to receive all this amazing feedback from creating this book. i had expected no one to read this book. maybe 74 reads if im lucky? but to be near 600? it's honestly so warm seeing all of your replies and stuff.

you may be sad this has come to an end but honestly,, it hasn't come to an end.

you can read this book whenever and most importantly you can talk to me whenever you want!

please whenever you feel the need,, contact me. ill always been here for everyone.

even when the people whom have wronged me the most, ill still rush over to them and offer everything if they are sad. it makes me feel better too,, rather than just them.

please never feel unworthy or unwanted because believe me,, there's always someone who cares!

i love you

you're beautiful

marigold summer x

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