Chapter 7

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Beastboy P.O.V
It's two weeks after the kidnapping of Starfire and Raven,Starfire seems to get over it but Raven didn't because her powers still didn't the same thing happened every time she tried to do a spell
Cyborg tried and tried but still nothing explaining why her powers are not working

"Rave come on there must be something that has cossed this!"Cyborg said as raven tried to remember

"The Tears! The tears red X gave me to make all my longer hair disappear and when I had the kofs I think the tears where inside it and must have removed some of my powers!"Raven said looking at Cyborg

"Can you try to remove them?"Robin asked she nodded her eyes turned white but then  red ones as blue water came out of her hands and gem,Starfire quickly trapped the water inside a jaw Raven's  eyes turned back to purple she looked at Star who had the tears

"Did it work?"I asked her she teleported away then back next to me on the couch, she smiled and nodded, by the way did I mention she is my girlfriend now

And the crime alert went off
"It's Red X.."Robin said looking at Starfire who was shaking, I look at Raven she wasn't bovered "With Slade!"

Raven's eyes turned from 2 from 4 red ones

"TITANS GO!"Robin yelled, we all ran or flew out the room, Starfire and Raven flew but I couldn't because my arms was injured from yesterday, While me, Cy and Robin where in the T-car

At the Warehouse

Third person  P.O.V

As they shud be the warehouse Slade and Red X came out and Starfire tackled Raven in the air and hugged her

"Star calm here it will be ok " Raven tried to call the alien princess, Starfire nodded and let go of Raven

Beastboy and Robin kept looking at the two flying princess in the air, one scared, one ready to kill a bitch , they both flew down

"Titans, we meet again!"Slade said with his hands behind his back and Red X walking beside him

"Have you recovered Sunshine?"Red X walked closer to her lifting her chin with his index finger

"Yes I have dork!"She said and slapped his hand away and zapped him making him jumping back, she rolled her eyes

Starfire free star bolts at Red X ,Robin Was fighting Slade because he wanted a fight with him.Alone, Cyborg and Beastboy attacked Red X on the floor, He tricked to throw a X but Raven blocked it with her powers and thew it at him and nd he flew to the wall stuck to it

"MOTHER FUCKING!"Raven yelled in his face and walked to Starfire who had a X on her hair and eyes

"GIVE UP SLADE!" Robin yelled while throwing a birdarang at him,Slade laugh and blocked the birdarang and threw Robin on the floor and was and was about to punch  but got fit in the face with a sonic blast from Cyborg,Beastboy turned into a T-Rex and jumped on him, and sent Slade unconscious, Raven made ropes appear around Slade and picked him up and threw him by Red X

"I WILL GET YOU GEM!"Red X yelled at Raven who looked away as the titans are left dumb folded expect Beastboy who took Raven by the hand and walked to Starfire who couldn't see anything Raven removed the X from Star's eyes and made Her scream in pain,Star looked around and smiled

"We are Victorious!"She cherred but stopped when she saw teg big X on her hair and frowned and tried to take it off but winced in pain and stopped "Maybe at home where will be a tool to help me?"Starfire asked everyone nodded

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