Chapter 5

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"Well that was a very long five hour date"
I heard my sister say just as i opened the front door.
"Was i out that long?" I asked
"Duh! I tried making a reschedule today but thanks to you I have to cancel it. Again!" she complained
I rolled my eyes and walked to my room. Kicking off my boots, I jumped into the comfort of my bed. I was a bit tired after all the climbing and stuff.
As much as you think my life's rosy, it's not...
Tromane's words echo in my head.

I woke up to the sun rays blinding me. My window blinds got ruined and we haven't got time to get a new one.
My phone lit up on my bedside table. A text.
Hey. It's Travis :) What's up?
I rolled my eyes at his text and turned off
my phone.
My Sunday shifts at "Doggy Lag's" starts at eight. I looked at my digital clock.
7:34 am.
I had to make this fast.
"Morning Maya"
Lanè stood at my door frame, arms crossed with a grin on her face.
" What's that look on your face for?" I asked
"Oh. That? That's a look of relief" she said grinning wider
"Try making a little bit more sense?" I rolled my eyes
"This is my first morning in a long time, waking up without feeling like crap. I feel" she said
"That's obviously because you didn't drink yesterday or smoke or any of your dumb stuff"
She laughed " Well I'll start heeding to your advice"

"Morning mom." I said walking into mom's room.
"Lamaya darling. How are you?" mom asked
"I'm great but I'm supposed to be asking you that"
"Im okay. Infact, Lanè made me tea" she smiled
"Really? Well, that's great. I need to freshen up for work. I'll be back at 12pm"
"Oh Lamie. You're a very strong girl. Bless you sweetheart" she said
I kissed her forehead and left.

"Well you're quite early today" Mrs Quente said as i entered the back kitchen door.
"Ooo. What are you making? It smells very good. You knowww... I haven't eaten my breakfast" I hint
"It's for Mr Douglas you greedy girl! But i guess i could save a little for you" she said
"Old Doggy Lag is very lucky to have a cook like you Mrs Q"
"Don't be rude. The study needs dusting. When you're done, come back to serve Mr Douglas his breakfast in his bedroom.

Dusting the tables, my phone vibrated in my pocket

I need to talk. Where are you???

Another text from Travis. What does this guy want?
Again, i ignored his text and kept dusting.

Wobbling up the stairs, i tried to steady Mr. Douglas' breakfast in one hand and a bundle of news papers in the other. Reaching the closed door, i tapped by foot on the door since my knuckles were kind of occupied at the moment. Mr Douglas murmed in response. I pushed the door open with my bum and prayed silently that his tea wont get on the floor.
" Your tea, Sir" I said placing his tray on the table
He waved me away and continued to do his work.
As i was descending the stairs, my phone rang
Really, what does this guy want
I decided to pick up.
"What?" I said
"Oh goodness! Where were you? I sent you texts. Didn't you see them?" he sounded so worried
"I did see them, but i was...busy" I sort of lied.
"Look Lamaya. You're in great danger..."
"The only danger i see is the explosion of my ears with your endless ranting. Can you get straight to the  point now?" I cut him off
"Een and her gang? They're onto you" he said
"Remember the meeting that she asked you to attend? Well she's very pissed that you didn't show up. She says you don't act like you're...committed. So...uh...well, they want to shut you up? He stuttered
"Shut me up?! How?" I asked
"I don't know Lamaya." he said sounding devastated.
"Wait so what do i do? Should I just stand there and let these sickos plan my possible death?" I said raising my voice.
"Look, don't overreact. I don't think this has gone as far as the level of death, but...." he said
"But what?"
"Well, there is a possibility. Een is a very crazy kid and she has a huge influence on her gang." he said cringing
"Well thanks for the freaking cheer up, Travis" i said and hung up.
Slumping down on the stairs I sobbed till I was pretty weak.

• • •

I heard the sobbing before i walked through the front doorway. Curiously, i walked into my home only to see Lané, looking a huge wreck on the floor.
"Lané, are you okay?" I said kneeling in front of her.
She started to sob louder.
"Its okay Lané. Take your time" I sat by her till she stopped crying.
"Mom.." she beginned.
"Mom what? She fainted again? Speak to me!" I demanded
Lané smiled a somewhat depressed and sad smile.
"No Lamaya. Its a somewhat permanent faint" she said quivering
"What the hell are you talking about? A coma?" I was starting to get restless
"No. Mom..." she stuttered
"Mom what?" I was getting really scared
The word echoed in my head as everything went black.
Feeling something wet on my forehead I jerked up. Lané sat beside me on the couch pressing a wet cloth on my forehead.
Like a memory wave, everything came rushing back
I started to wail uncontrollably.
"No Lané! I wont believe this! Where is she i have to see her" I said getting down from the couch.
"She's in her room" my sister responded
I rushed to my mothers room.
There she lay. Looking peaceful, as though she was only sleeping but her pale skin and specks of blood at the corners of her mouth determined that my mother was really dead.
I sat by her, looking at her face. Tears started to snake down my cheeks and I buried my face in her chest.
My life is falling apart. Everything's drifting away. Everything's gone. I thought.
I went back to the living room and sat by Lané who had her head in her eyes looking as miserable as expected
"I'm calling an ambulance. Remember the police is probably going to ask some questions. Our dad travelled to L.A a week ago and he's coming home tomorrow morning. You don't want to be in custody do you?" I asked
"No. I've been experienced with the police. I know how to play my game" Lané said looking determined.

The ambulance arrived in less than ten minutes...with the police.
A man and a woman in police uniforms came to us as they were picking up our mom's body.
"I'm Officer Midge and that's Officer Cowell" the policewoman said. "What are your names?"
"I'm Lamaya Patelle. That's my sister Lané Patelle." I said
"What's your mom's name darling?" she asked
"Tatiana Patelle ma'am"
"Are you girls home alone?" the policewoman asked
"Yes ma'am but our dad is arriving from L.A tommorow morning" i said calmly
"Okay Lamaya, Lanè. I'll be back tommorow morning. Dont worry your mom would be okay" the officer said
"I'm seventeen. My mom is dead. She's not okay!" I said snapping at the police woman.
"Come on Maya. Let's go" my sister said pulling me back into the house.
We sat silently on the couch till the sirens subsided, showing that they had gone.
"They said they're coming tomorrow" Lané said
"I heard her.."
"What are we gonna do?" she asked again
"It's ironic because as the older one you're sure asking me a lotta questions!" I snapped
She became silent
"We have to move" i finally responded
"Move? To where?" she asked
"Anywhere. Just not here. The po-po cant come and meet us here. They'll find out about us and put us into custody and dump us at some stupid children's home. We cant stay here" I said.
"Okay." It was just one word but i could understand the determination, purpose and firmness in my sister.

What a twist to everything right?
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