Chapter 3- House

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"His name is Jeon Jungkook! Okay we have your stuff in his house bye sweetie!" He hung up before I could say anything else.

I can't believe I'm gonna live my crush and he is my teacher... I still hate him.

"What did your dad say?" He asked.

"I-I'm living with you..." he looked at me and smiled with his bunny teeth showing.

"Okay then! Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and dragged to the parking lot.

My knee still sting... I suddenly fell, my knee still hurt.

Jungkook looked at me and carried me to his car bridal style!

"Aish this girl." He mumbled.

He started driving and I started to talk about me living with this guy.

"Hol up.. you knew about me living with you!?" I asked wide eyed.

"Ye, your dad told me a few days ago." He started humming a tune.

"And y'all didn't tell me sooner?!" I pouted.

He shrugged his shoulders and the car came to a halt, I looked at the house and it was huge!!

"What the fook." I tried not to swear.

I went inside so does he and we drove at his house... it was huge!

He opened the door and carried me bridal style again... we went inside and he carried me and went up to go to his room and put on the bed and left me.

He came in with water and first aid kit.

He put the medicine and wrapped it with some bandages, I looked at him working. It was pretty awkward because I didn't say anything also Mr. Jeon.

"Thanks..." I rolled my eyes and he looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah no problem." I blushed, cause we were pretty close, so I backed away and swerved to the right so I could escape.

"Want anything?" He chuckled.

"Uh well umm... I'm hungry."

"Ok then! Come on!" He carried me to his kitchen.

He placed me on the chair started to cook.

"Ya know I could stand up, no need to carry me." I said sarcastically.

"Ye I know but your thighs are so soft." I could sense him smirking.

I took out my phone and took a picture of him cooking.

He caught me and took my phone away.

"YAH! Give me my phone back!" I started to get my phone I didn't notice that I was leaning on his chest, too hard but yet soft. *wink wink nudge nudge*.

"YAH!!! Gimme it!" I screamed.

"Why did you picture me without permission?" He laughed at me.

"It's none of you business! Now give me my phone back!" I screamed trying to reach for it.

Then he accidentally slipped and I closed my eyes I fell on top of him I looked at him and he was groaning. I stood up and said...

"Are you hurt?! KiNcHaNa?!" I was throwing questions at him and he stood up, and he put a finger on my lips so I could stop babbling.

"I'm fine but are you?" He asked. 

"I'm gud..." I looked at him with soft eyes.

Then I started blushing, I rushed upstairs to change into my pjs.

I came back down with a oversized black hoodie and shorts underneath it. He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Um fo you have another room so I could sleep in?"

"NoPe! You're sleeping with me tonight!" He popped the P. I'm kinda happy yet nervous to sleep with him.


"Because I want to plus there's no more rooms here just mine. I used all of my rooms for storage and for an office to do school work. Now come on I want to sleep plus you and me have school tomorrow!" He dragged me to his room.

He changed in his bathroom and came out with a white tee and shorts.

I went to the other side of the bed and face the back of him. Then I heard ruffles under the covers and I felt arms around my waist.

I turned around to see Mr. Jeon hugging me!

"M-Mr. Jeon what are you doing?!" I yelled quietly.

"Just go to sleep."


"Shhh just go to sleep." He cutted me off.

"But I-."

"Just go to sleep or you don't me to make me do stuff to you." He said in a sleepy way.

I sighed and closed my eyes and went to sleep.


My Rude Teacher (J.JK) 18+ ishWhere stories live. Discover now