(R) Chapter 1 Let's Talk

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We sat snuggled on my small couch, lost in each other as usual. She was warm and inviting like always. All her things were in our apartment, well most of them. What wouldn't fit was in storage, mixed with the few things I moved out to make space for hers. She was half asleep on my chest and I was wide awake. If I didn't want to wake her, I was stuck. I didn't. I looked around as much as our position would allow. Our space was cramped. It made me very uncomfortable and made things look a little cluttered and unmatching where our tastes in things differed. I wondered how difficult it would be to make some changes. We were an official couple, promised to each other, there was no reason for us to keep living in such tight quarters with things that didn't match rather than furnishings and decor that fit us both. I had yet to find her ring and believe me I had been looking. It would find me when the time was right. In the meantime, we had some things to sort out. I started to stir trying to shift myself out from under her without waking her.

I was snuggled into my favorite person on the planet and dozing in and out of sleep. We had been together for almost a year now and living together for about three months. The space was tight and our stuff didn't match, but it was cozy. I had never lived with a guy before, but it was all working out pretty well. I was just about asleep when I felt him fidgety underneath me.

I did my best to ensure that she didn't wake as I slipped off the couch and placed a throw pillow, her idea, under her head. I pulled the throw off the back of the couch and gently covered her. I watched her face and held my breath waiting to see if I was successful in getting up without waking sleeping beauty. If I kept staring at her the way I was with the thoughts that started to roll through my mind every time, well anytime really, then I would be returning to that couch and eventually drag her off to the bedroom since I wasn't feeling a sense of urgency. If I was, then the floor would have suited me just fine, but carpet burns were never any fun for either one of us. I touched her face gently. I had to let her know I was going to leave the room. It would have been rude not to. "Lizzie?"

I was aware that he slid out from underneath me, but I was comfortable and sleepy, and warm. I settled into the pillow that he provided me with, that I insisted we get and covered me with the soft throw. The next thing I knew he was touching my face and whispering my name. I slowly, halfway, opened my eyes. "Hmmm?"

"I'm gonna go check on some things and make dinner. Hopefully," I had to be careful how I worded my next phrase. The wrong set of words could very well land me in a world of trouble, or better yet married in a week. I wondered if that would be a bad thing then tossed it aside. Who the hell could plan a Jewish wedding in a week? I changed tactics hoping she was sleepy enough to miss the changeup. "There something I'd like to look into and talk to you about. Nothing to worry about. Just want to talk some ideas I have out with you. Okay?"

I heard most of what he said. He was going to make dinner and then he said there was something he wanted to talk about. That was enough to make me open my eyes all of the way, but I didn't sit up. "Mmmkay. Do I get a hint?"

"Not until I'm sure it's even possible." I slipped a soft kiss on her sleepy cheek and tried to slip away but wound up hitting my toe on the edge of the coffee table and suppressing a pretty big yell with a growl and a grunt. That really hurt. Then moved off to make a few phone calls and prepare her dinner.

I had dinner ready right around the time she liked to eat and looked over to find her sleeping soundly. I hated waking her when she looked so much like an angel, but it was dinner time. I made her favorite, oven roasted chicken breasts with garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. I hoped she liked it. The table was set, so I wandered over to wake her, wedging myself in the small space between the couch and the coffee table. "Honey," I touched her cheek gently and waited for her to stir. No luck, so I touched her shoulder and very gently nudged her. "Lizette. Wake up, Babe. Dinner is done."

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