Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Chelsea’s POV

I followed him through the house, through the kitchen and into the backyard. I first noticed Jeremy and Abby sitting at the shallow end with their feet dangling in the water. Abby looked at me and smiled brightly and got up, heading in my direction. She met me at the door with a nice big hug.

“How are you Chelsea?” She asked.

I laughed, “Good. You?”

“Great now that we are back.” She nodded her head in Jeremy’s direction.

“Back? From where?”

“We took a trip to California and stayed on the beach for a few days. Man was it nice.” She gushed on about how the trip was.

I laughed. “I thought you looked a little bit more tan than you have before. “ I said as we moved towards the pool.

“Yeah being on the beach does help with the paleness a little. Not that I am that pale. I mean, I’m not that pale.” She said as she motioned to her bikini honed body. Man I was jealous.

We reached the boys and sat down by  them. “I’ll be right back. Jeremy can you help me get some soda’s?” Said Teddy while getting up from the side of the pool.

Jeremy looked at Teddy for a minute. “Sure.” He said getting up as well.

I looked over to Abby, whose thoughts mirrored mine. What were they up to?

They went into the kitchen and came back with sodas in hand, one for everyone there. I stood up and turned to Abby to ask her which one she wanted when all of the sudden I went airborne. I shrieked and braced myself for impact when the water came rushing at my face.

I gracefully crashed into the water where I just stayed under water for a second, too embarrassed to even attempt to make an appearance. But I guess me being under there for a second crept into me being in there for a minute because next thing I hear is another splash next to my head and someone grabbing my shoulders and hauling me out of the water head first.

I sputtered and opened my eyes. I laughed when I saw Teddy’s worry stricken face when I opened my eyes.

“Did you just giggle?” He asked, confusion on his brow.

I bit my lip and lightly shook my lip. I fought to keep a full blown laugh inside.

“You just giggled at me? What is this, some type of joke?” He looked at me with revenge in his eyes.

“N-n-no…it wasn’t a joke I swear. I just wanted to gain my composure before I came back up for air. I was fine. You’re the mother hen who came rushing after me.” I laughed outright.

He looked shocked at first. “You were in there for a good minute and a half.”

I nodded. “Glad you can count bucko.” I went to get up, which then brought to mind the way we looked to everyone else and the silence that was accompanying the looks that we were getting. I noted the fact that I was lying in Teddy’s lap and that he was cradling me to his chest.

I scrambled to get out of his lap, but for some reason Teddy’s grip tightened. Then he stood up with me cradled to his chest and walked over to the deep end of the pool.

I shrieked again.

“NO TEDDY!!!” I grasped one hand around his neck and the other onto his shorts. That stopped him short and had him looking down at me with questioning eyes.

“You jump and you’re going to be either coming with me or losing your pants there mister.” I chuckled.

He shrugged his shoulders and stood up on the diving board. “Who said I was going to drop you into the pool?” Then he jumped.

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