Just let me have a turn already!

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Jeff must have been crazier than I thought. Jeff took MY knife!!! I'm outraged now because he is getting it dirty. A hiss slid through my teeth surprising Jeff so much he almost ...Almost dropped my knife.I didn't want to seem like a baby but this is one of the two options. I screamed and screamed my blood curdling scream forever. Everybody gathered in the kitchen which is where we were. Slendy tried to make me calm down but only made me scream louder.

Jeff just stood there like it was no big deal.My eyes and tail turned blood red which meant I was in blood lust mode right now. I stopped screaming looked around to see blood coming out their ears. The only two that were unharmed were Jane the Killer and Jeff the Killer. Jane was amused by what I could do. She came up to me and put her arm around my shoulder. She didn't look at me though, she only had eyes for Jeff at the moment.

I thought real long and hard before I started to scream again. When I screamed only Jane and Jeff fell to the ground, holding their ears. Slendy came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. This action meant he wanted me to spare them. I stopped screaming and got pained groans from both killers.

When Jeff was down he happened to drop the knife. I walked over there faster that anyone took a breath. Pick up my knife I walked over to where he was crouched over in pain. I think I need a trademark. Real quick I drew an 'X' on the right side of his back where his should be. Blood came rushing out and it got on my favorite black jacket. Clicking my tongue bored, I walked over to Jane where she was getting up . Shaking my head I grabbed her hair and told get to keep an eye on Jeff or I'll kill him slowly.

I walked away sighing as I closed my knife. I think I should see how Ben's room is. I saw him with a hand full of bloody q-tips. When he saw me coming he tried running but I put my hands up and closed my lips tightly together. Once he saw that I wasn't going to hurt him he smiled and walked towards me. I didn't want to get on his nerves because I love to play my GameBoy Color and my DS Lite.

Suddenly, I felt like I was shoot through the heart. My games and devices were still at my house.

" Um, Ben could come with me to my old house. I need to grab my game. I can't just leave them alone different more that a week. They get sad," I said joking around. He seemed to think I was seriously because he hugged me and said we will rescue my games. Yup,I'm bunking with Ben.

With that we headed out the door.

                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~

"Wow, so this is YOUR house. The gang always stops by here and stays until dusk sometimes.It is all because of Slendy," Ben said with amazement in his voice.well that explains why i always feel like I'm being watched.Eyes got huge when I realized that I have probably undressed in front of him. That is just nasty, well to be honest it is just creepy......just CREEPYPASTA!! (lol I couldn't help it)

"Ummmm," is all I could get out. i didn't words to explain what I was thinking right now.i walked up to my back door so we weren't seen. I was glad I left the door unlocked because I lose my key, oops.I open the door and smelt a nasty smell. Oh ,well. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I smiled sadly because I won't live here ever again.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out my biggest backpack. I want to grab everything important to me. First ,I grabbed all my game and then my systems.Second, I grabbed the other 15 knives in the drawer next to my bed.Third, I grabbed all my Pokemon cards and Pokemon stuff animals. Fourth, I grabbed all my makeup, nail polish and my hair stuff.Fifth, I grab clean underwear and work out clothes.Sixth, I grabbed every single picture I had of me or anyone else.

 My backpack was full and I bet it was heavy but in my eyes it felt like a feather. 

"Okay, I'm ready to go," I say heading out the door heading towards the stairs. I completely forgot about my parents' room.I headed down the stairs into the kitchen and grabbed all the knife I had in there throwing them in my bag with the others. 

I want to make sure that people stay out of here so I cut my hand and blood poured out. I wrote on the wall with my blood . I wrote these words:

"'X' marks the spot" get used to the 'X's on the back of all the hoes that hurt me. XXXXXXXX                                                                                  Yours crazy, J.A.N.I.  T.A.P.

When I was done Ben looked at me like he just saw his favorite band.He hovered and hugged me.

"That's the best thing I've ever heard.You do belong with us," Ben squealed like a girl. I shrugged and walked out the door. I wonder if I can change into a cat. Lets see. I thought real hard and finally turned into something that is in the cat family. I TURNED INTO A FREAKING LIONESS.The only difference was that I was black and blue. It was still cool anyway.

"Can I ride on your back? I'll hold your bag for you," Ben asked. Before I could answer he was already on my back. I just started to run ignoring the person on my back.It only took like five minutes to get back to the mansion. I waited for Ben to get off then I turned back into my regualar form.I grabbed my bag and walked in talking with Ben.

When we went through the kitchen Ben asked me a qusetion that got Slendy's attention real Quick

''Hey, Milow . What does J.A.N.I.  T.A.P. stand for?" Ben asked cusing everyone to look. Well,this is going to be fun

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