Chappie 22: Aliens

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Kara allowed Felicity into the house, "Explain."

"Aliens." She said simply.

"Aliens?" Kara asked.

"We need as many reinforcements as we can get," Felicity said, "And I get you're trying to keep Barry safe but, your powers make you stronger than everyone on our teams combined. Plus you can fly which would be good to take down their air craft."

"I'm weak Felicity. Quite possibly two of the most evil people in the world know how to beat me, how do you expect me to beat aliens?" The metahuman asked.

"Kara what I think you need is hope, not more strength, you're invulnerable to basically anything other than a extremely rare composite of lead that I'm pretty sure these aliens won't have," Felicity said, "I found out it's not lead that you're vulnerable to, it's this mixture of lead and ethylene glycol which is the most poisonous chemical known to man. Plus I think that this will help gain your confidence in your abilities back and you'll be stronger than ever before."

Kara thought for a moment, she really did need that. She would get to see Barry again. And she would probably find an easier way of defeating Lieutenant and Thawne, "Fine, I'm in. And I'm not even going to ask about how you found me."

"It was way too easy, you should've gone to a different place like Peru or something," Felicity mentioned.


"It's more under the radar."

Two hours later

Felicity just walked into STAR Labs Kara stayed outside trying to think of her approach. She felt as if she shouldn't be allowed in there. She up and left and suddenly with barely any convincing from someone who isn't the man she still loves, she's back.

She had flown herself and Felicity back to Central City so they didn't have to go through the pain of airports. But now was considering leaving again. Kara too out of place now. Like she didn't deserve to be back at the Labs because when she escaped the two villains she didn't run back into Barry's arms.

Finally, she mustered up the courage to open the door and slowly walk inside. The long hallways felt too long, as if they went on for months. But finally she found her way into the main cortex. She was hugging her arms to her stomach as if to literally hold herself together.

The room that was once filled with battle strategies and technology talk was now silent. But not for long, "Did I mention that I found her location?" Felicity asked, her words cutting through the silence like a knife.

Barry had the largest look of confusion on his face. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should hug her or say something or what. He couldn't kiss her, they broke up, she told him to move on.

"Hi..." she said, her voice small yet filled with guilt.

Cisco was bouncing a little, "KARAAAAAAAA!!!" He exclaimed as he ran to hug her, like a little toddler seeing there best friend for the first time in months.

She didn't expect it but she hugged him back, "Hi Cisco."

"Welcome back, Kara," Oliver patted her shoulder.

Caitlin lightly hugged her after Cisco stopped suffocating her, "I'm so glad you're safe."

Joe hugged her as well. Iris stood with her arms crossed while Barry was in shock. "The Legends will be here soon to help as well," Oliver said.

"So, how'd you escape the wrath of Lieutenant and Thawne?! Where'd you go?! What'd you do?!" Cisco piled on the questions.

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