Noteies POV:
I ran into the room and asked,
"Where's Tynon!?"
"Sir, I know your angry with him. But you should know, It's not his fault. But he's in room 974, he's very injured. I can only suggest you be calm and gentle with him. His health is in deadly condition, and his heart rate is faster than normal," she slowly told me.
"Why would I want to h--"
"Just be easy on him. Master or also known as The Over Lord will be furious if his Windar Selphia Fomdan is killed." she said cutting me off.
"Is that his name?" I asked in total confusion.
"He can explain. You should go, sir."
"Master?" I questioned not hearing her.
"It's complicated. I'm very busy at the moment. If you need me to explain this to you you can come back at 2:15. that's when I get off. Just tell them your looking for Ginger Camperan."
"Okay." I replied quietly.
I sprinted down the halls and came to room 974. I took a deep breath scared of what I might see behind the large metal door. That explains his captivity in this particular room. They weren't lying when they said he was dangerous.
Much less lying when I say INSAINE.
I pushed the door open and walked into the spacey pitch black room.
"St-a-ay b-ba-bac-ck... Pl-ple-ease..." An incredibly weak voice cracked in fear. The chains were very loud while they clashed together.
A blade lay on the floor with an unreadable inscription on it. Next to that was a pair of handcuffs and a whip. My eyes widened as I saw the third and forth object. A sword and a vile of blood. Above all of these objects was a note on a pice of paper reading 'use these carefully master Noteie'
"Oh my god!" I whispered.
"I'm s-s-sor-sorry..." The raspy week voice squeaked in pain.
I walked to the corner of the wall to see Tynon almost lifeless strapped to a metal elevated pice of metal. His wrist cut up and gushing blood, open wounds everywhere. But that wasn't the worst part. He was stripped of his clothing and had a gash deeply cut in his face, neck, and stomach. He was chocking and struggling to breath. Weakly gasping for air trying to hold on. He opened his eyes to show two blue glowing lights. He moaned and breathed heaving in utter pain.
I stood in shock and horror at what I saw.
"No. who?-- I-- wh-why?!" I screeched and he jumped at the sound of my loud questioning in fear.
"I-I-I- I d-didn't. Master p-ple-please don't use the objects. I beg of you." He pleaded in terror as his head hung limp and his body fully limp. he still kept weak and heaved, coughed, gasped, and choked trying to get air into his lungs. I walked up to him and he began to shake violently in fear like a petrified child.
"Shhh" I said trying to calm him.
"Why are you calling me master?" I asked.
He began to choke and cough again.
"That's *heave* w-what you a-are..."
I shook my head no and refused to take the hideous label that was given.
"Do what you want of him. Master said to discipline him with a little 'fun' kinky stuff, it's an order that has to be done in a matter of 10 days. And keep him chained up. And I don't care how." A guard said and then left the room.
I looked to Ty and saw his head low and bawling his eyes out crying.
I walked up to him and unlocked his arm braces and then the neck and foot braces. He fell to his knees into my arms. I walked him over to the bunk and laid him down on the mattress. I pulled the covers over him and sat down next to him and was still unable to stop him from crying. He ended up crying himself to sleep slowly.