Chapter 34

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Brynn's POV

     "But you told me you'd sleepover. If you're leaving, you obviously aren't," I frown as I watch my boyfriend walk towards the door. He sighs and turns around as the rest of his band keeps walking forward. Devin had to leave thirty minutes ago, and they are leaving now.

     "I am going to sleepover, but the paparazzi are out there. They saw me come in, and it would be suspicious to see all of my band, except me, leave. Once they're gone, I'll come back," he kisses my nose. A heavy sigh escapes from my lips.

     "If you have to. Just pinkie promise me that you'll come back," I stick out my pinkie. Our pinkies link together as a smile breaks out across his face.

     "Pinkie promise," he assures me.

     "We have to go, Mike," Brady tells him, gesturing to the door. Michael smiles at me one last time before running to and through the doorway. The door closes behind him, a thump echoing throughout the hotel room.

     It always kills me letting him leave. I never know what catastrophe could occur at any moment. He could get rammed into by a car. An assassin could go after him. While on a plane, the plane could crash. He could be at the scene of a shooting. A fire could erupt out of nowhere. Anything could happen at any time, and it worries me.

     "Why are you still here?" I hear Addie groan at Cody as she emerges in her pajamas, face wash covering her face. She's been trying to get her face as clear as possible by using tons of face masks, and it's honestly working.

     "I don't know," he shrugs. He is scrolling through his twitter feed, arm resting against the back of the couch.

     "Well then can you leave? We're going to have to be with you for the next month, and I want to hang out with my boyfriend before I have to go," Addie huffs. Cody raises an eyebrow.

     "And that is dependent on me leaving?" Cody is confused, putting down his phone. He gives his full attention to Addie.

     "Yes. The paparazzi won't leave until you do, and unlike Brynn who is anxious, I enjoy my relationship being private," she starts a debate, and I walk in, grabbing a cookie.

      "That, I am. You don't know how many times I almost accidentally posted a picture of Michael to my instagram in the past couple of months," I take a bite out of the cookie after laughing at my stupidity.

     "I need to go wash this off my face, but when I come back, I expect you to be gone," Addie points at Cody before walking out, leaving the two of us alone. Cody stands up.

      "I better be going. I don't want Addie to kill me," he laughs, shoving his phone in his pocket.

      "Okay, get home safely. I don't need my fake boyfriend to get in a car crash," I reply. He starts laughing and nods.

     "Will do. Have fun with your actual boyfriend, but not too much fun. I don't want to hear about that," he shivers, going in for a hug, but I go for the fist bump. Hugs have lost their importance over the years, being given out willy nilly. They should be reserved for a very specific group of people. He gives me a fist bump.

     "I will. Have fun at your home," I say as he leaves. He's not a bad guy, but it's bad that we met under these circumstances. Under any other circumstance, we could have became really close friends.


      I changed out of the uncomfortable skinny jeans and tank top I was wearing and into some exercise shorts and my Brychael sweatshirt. I touched up my makeup some as well as my hair. Now, it's just a waiting game.

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